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NEWS JUNE 14, 2021 ■ 11
“The judge’s final words to me The Republican Party twice
were ‘friends first,”‘ Marino said. nominated Arnold as its candidate
‘What he cared about in life’ for attorney general. He lost both
Arnold’s rulings from the bench Superior Court Judge races. He also served briefly as
were widely respected for their Richard Arnold served on state chairman of the Connecticut
detail and reasoning, said fellow the bench since 1996. He Republican Party, and was a select-
Judge Theodore Tyma. was 72 years old. man in his hometown of Orange.
“His legacy as a judge was the Marino, who at one time was
amount of legal decisions he left Republican town chairman in Or-
behind,” said Tyma, a judge in the ange, said the Arnolds “took me
Ansonia/Milford district who had known Arnold under their wings” and mentored him.
since 2004. “Richie was a prolific legal writer of “A lot of my success grew out of what I learned
opinions. They were all well-reasoned and well-sup- from that relationship,” he said. “I am now the town
ported by law. He worked so hard on his decisions attorney in eight towns.”
and was always working, even on the weekends. He Another longtime friend, attorney Themis Kla-
worked to the end.” rides, who was a Republican state representative
Tyma, who attended Arnold’s services on Tues- from 1999-2021, said she learned much from Ar-
day, said: “This came up at the service … the fact nold and his wife.
that Richie was pretty simple. He was all about fam- “Rich Arnold was one of those people that is like
ily first, his friends second, his judicial colleagues family to me,” Klarides said. “He and his wife have
third and his golf fourth. That is what he cared about supported me from the first day I called them on a
in life.” cold day in January 1998, telling them I wanted to
Tyma also said he learned a lot about how to be a run for state representative. His friendship, coun-
judge from his friend. sel, support, compassion and caring have continued
“I’m a better judge because of him,” Tyma said from that day until the day he passed. His love of his
Wednesday. “He was a great listener, and his legal family, golf, the University of Connecticut and the
decisions were a model for me to follow because bench made him a very happy man.” ■
they were so well written and well thought out.”
Before joining the bench in 1996, Arnold was Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
deeply involved in state Republican politics, analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
although he stayed out of politics publicly after be- him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
coming a judge, friends said. 203-437-5950.
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