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14 ■ JUNE 14, 2021 NEWS
■ From CBA MEMBERS on PAGE 13 that are more relevant to the actual rank-and-file
CBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She also member. We offer many programs already, but I’d
served the association as a member of the House like to see more. We also, I believe, need a stronger
of Delegates and the Board of Governors. She is a representation of the CBA in the judicial and execu-
former president of the Connecticut Hispanic Bar tive branch.”
Association. Incoming association president Cecil Thomas,
Dezinno ran his race emphasizing, in part, that also an attorney at Greater Hartford Legal Aid,
he believed practicing attorneys in private prac- praised both candidates, saying they bring their own
tice whether solos or those in small, mid-size unique talents to the association.
or large law firm should be in leadership roles “I’ve worked with Maggie over the years and she
within the association, saying they understand its stays connected with the legal community,” Thomas
members’ concerns better. Castinado is a public said. “She will bring a wealth of experience and val-
defender. ue to this new role.”
Dezinno, a bar association member for 41 years, Thomas said Dezinno “cares deeply about the
is also active within the CBA. He has served the past CBA and that is apparent with his different forms of
12 years as a member of the association’s Board of engagement in the association.”
Governors and House of Delegates. Thomas said the new slate of officers for 2021-22
Dezinno, whose practice specializes in workers’ “is diverse and inclusive. Leadership has a broad sec-
compensation, personal injury and business law, tion of people from different practice settings and
said Friday running for vice president again next the private and public sector. That makes us richer
year “is something I will consider.” and more effective as an organization.” ■
Dezinno believes more can be done to bring in
new association members. Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
“I’d like to see the CBA focus more on assisting analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
members in their practice,” Dezinno said. “That can him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
include the technological advances and programs 203-437-5950.
How Pullman’s Laura Cardillo Adapts Her
Real Estate Practice Amid the Pandemic
By Robert Storace
ullman & Comley member Laura Cardillo “The legal profession continues to be challenging for
believes the global COVID-19 pandemic all of us who are in it,” she said. “And the past year has
Phas had a deep impact on many women at- been even more so for women attorneys, who handle
torneys, as they work on getting back to regular robust caseloads and also are primarily responsible for
schedules that now incorporate restrictions, like caring for young children and aging parents.”
mask wearing. Cardillo was born and raised in Springfield, Mas-
Cardillo, who celebrated her 19th year with Pull- sachusetts. Her practice includes property tax and
man & Comley on Friday including the last 14 as valuation and eminent domain within the real estate
partner, said “the pandemic has thrown a wrench in industry. She graduated from Western New England
many women attorneys’ daily lives as they attempt to University School of Law in 1998, and has been an
balance work and family.” attorney since 1998.
Law Tribune