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6  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                            NEWS

        ■ From PLAINTIFF’S on PAGE 1                                          Robinson, an attorney for 34
        who have been summoned to                                           years, said Stevens “had a very
        jury service,” Hebert said. “To-                                    liberal policy” on releasing jurors
        day is June 7; jury trials resumed                                  who had concerns related to po-
        less than a week ago after being                                    tential conflicts of scheduling.
        suspended for 15 months.”            Robinson Mahoney partner         Robinson is representing a
          Of the jurors who did show,         Cindy Robinson discussed      Bridgeport police officer who is
        none asked to be removed from          going back to work on        suing for damages after another
        the process due to COVID-19          jury trials after a year-plus   vehicle struck her cruiser.
        concerns, Robinson said.               pandemic kept her from         Jurors were questioned June 3
          The Sixth Floor Was Quiet                the courtroom.           and 4 and jury selection resumes
          Robinson said the experience of                                   Tuesday, Robinson said.
        going back to court and to work                                       Robinson said she questioned
        on jury trials was rewarding but                                    about 15 jurors and, to date, four
        also a little unnerving.                                            have been chosen for the six-per-
          “As far as the energy in the                                      son, two alternate-person jury.
        courtroom, I did feel it was dif-                                     While  the  sixth  floor  of  the
        ferent than what I was used to,” said Robinson, a  Bridgeport Superior Court is usually bustling with
        partner in the newly formed law firm Robinson  as many as 20 cases being heard, it was relatively
        & Mahoney in Fairfield. “I think it felt different  quiet June 3 and 4, Robinson said.
        because there were new procedures for everyone,       “The sixth floor was quiet, and that was very un-
        including the judge.”                              usual,” said Robinson, who noted her case was the
          Robinson  said  those  new  procedures  included  very first one called since the Judicial Branch an-
        mask wearing, plexiglass dividers in the courtroom  nounced jury trials would resume June 1. She said
        and social distance protocols.                     there were only a handful of other cases going on.
          The new rules, at least in the Bridgeport Superior   Robinson said she also missed the camaraderie of
        Court, entail everyone wearing a mask and having  being in the courthouse with her peers and court staff.
        plexiglass in the witness box, in front of the judge,   “I was talking to the staff and everyone was
        and even between some tables where the attorneys  checking in to see how others had done during the
        sit, Robinson said.                                pandemic,” Robinson said. “It appeared everyone
          The attorney said some jurors who were vacci- was happy to be back working in the courthouse, as
        nated asked that they be allowed to remove their  opposed to working remotely.”                     ■
        masks. Judge Barry Stevens responded that jurors
        can only take their masks off when the attorneys  Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        were speaking to them. They were given the op- analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
        tion of wearing a face shield instead of a mask, but  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        none chose to do so.                               203-437-5950.



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