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NEWS JUNE 14, 2021 ■ 9
Meet Judge Robert Richardson and the
Mentor He Credits With Guiding His Outlook
By Robert Storace
nlike some law school graduates, Robert
Richardson didn’t have to wait long to secure
Ua job with a top-notch law firm.
He was working within weeks of graduating law
school in 1991 with Garrison, Silbert & Arterton in
Richardson, who received his law degree from
Ohio State University College of Law in 1991, cred-
its Joseph Garrison, the partner who made him the
firm’s first-ever Black attorney, with making him a
better lawyer and judge.
Richardson worked for the firm, which is now
Garrison, Levin-Epstein, Fitzgerald & Pirrotti in
New Haven, for nearly 25 years until he was named
a federal magistrate judge in 2016. Garrison is still a
principal attorney at the firm. U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert Richardson.
Richardson says he used experience in watching Courtesy photo
and learning from Garrison, his mentor and friend, do that. Joe never did. When he got upset, the worse
when deciding cases on the bench and in overseeing he’d say is, ‘Oh phooey,’ and that was the strongest
mediations. he’d get with his language. I never heard him swear
“One of the things Joe taught me early on is that in more than 25 years.”
you don’t have to dislike your Noting that Garrison now also
adversaries to be an effective at- mediates cases, Richardson emu-
torney,” the 54-year-old New lated his mentor’s approach.
Haven resident said. “That was “I adopted his style as my own.
a real valuable life lesson for me. Federal Magistrate I grew into his style,” Richardson
He practices and preaches civility. Judge Robert Richardson said. “I listen to all sides and un-
He is professional and cordial, and discussed his role as an derstand each side’s perspective.
that helped me become a better attorney and then as a You can’t be judgmental when you
judge.” judge, and talked about are mediating a case. A mediator
Richardson said tone is impor- what he learned from must persuade and bring both
tant as both a lawyer and judge, mentor Joe Garrison. sides along.”
especially when overseeing me- Settlement conferences and me-
diations. diations are one of the the most
“You can be persuasive if you are rewarding parts of his job as a
civil and courteous, more so than judge, Richardson said.
if you are screaming at someone and demeaning “I just love bringing parties together, and helping
them,” said Richardson, who noted he’s seen his fair them get a resolution and one they can hopefully
share of attorneys scream and yell. “Some attorneys ■ Continued on PAGE 10
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