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8  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                            NEWS

        ■ From BETH GRIFFIN on PAGE 7                                       stress and depression and financial
          She says the 2021 Memorial                                        worries. A lot of our population
        Day weekend marked 31 years of                                      was dependent on the courts be-
        sobriety for her.                     After 15 years as Lawyers     ing opened and that also affected
          Griffin helps facilitate meetings    Concerned for Lawyers        their stress level.”
        for attorneys with addiction at        Connecticut’s executive        While the meetings in Rocky
        the group’s headquarters in Rocky     director, Beth Griffin has    Hill and the other locations of the
        Hill every Wednesday. There are        announced she will be        nonprofit were held in person, that
        also attorney-only meetings in        departing her post. David     all changed in March 2020 because
        New  London, New  Haven  and          Williams will take over on    of the coronavirus. It was then that
        New Canaan.                                    July 1.              the meetings switched over to a
          Griffin estimates that more than                                  Zoom format. About 20 attorneys
        2,000 attorneys have contacted                                      take part weekly in the Rocky Hill
        her office seeking support or help                                  meetings, she said.
        with an addiction or mental health                                    Now, she said, the meetings will
        challenge.                                         be hybrid—some in person and some via Zoom—
          “The program works,” said Griffin, who noted it  with the hope of returning to all in-person meetings
        uses a 12-step program similar to Alcoholic Anony- again down the road.
        mous to battle such addictions as drug, alcohol, sex   “The beauty of doing Zoom is that we have been
        and gambling.                                      able to connect with Connecticut lawyers who do
          “It’s not about me,” Griffin said. “It’s not the  not live here anymore,” Griffin said. “They are part
        Beth Griffin Assistance Program. It’s the lawyers’  of our family, but now live in other states.”
        assistance program.”                                  While Williams takes over in his new role July 1,
          “You hear all the cliches,” she said. “They tell me  Griffin she say she plans on helping with the transi-
        the program saved their life, saved their marriage,  tion for a few months.
        saved their practice, or saved their career.”         She said, “I want to make the transition as smooth
          The global health pandemic has hit attorneys with  as possible.”                                  ■
        addictions particularly hard, she said.
          “It’s definitely affected more attorneys. It has im- Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        pacted people in different ways. There is stress and  analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
        anxiousness  across  the  spectrum,”  Griffin  said.  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        “There are feelings, because of the pandemic, of  203-437-5950.


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