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12  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                           NEWS

                 ‘It’s Been a Very Tough Day’: Partner

              Reeling After Shooting at His Law Firm

                                                 By Robert Storace

              onnecticut lawyer Ken Taylor is trying to make
              sense of it all.
        C In the last two days, state police have impli-
        cated his law partner, Cramer & Anderson attorney
        Robert Fisher Jr., as a “subject” of a homicide investi-
        gation, following a shooting Monday in the parking
        lot of the firm’s Litchfield office.
          Before the shooting, Taylor had spent most of his
        time as a senior partner focused on real estate, di-
        vorce and family law cases.
          But now he has emerged as the point person for
        staff and the public, fielding what he estimates has
        been dozens of media inquiries.
          “For all involved, it’s been a very tough day,”
        he said.
                                                             Cramer & Anderson office in Litchfield. Photo: Google
          Unanswered Questions                                Cramer & Anderson’s staff and 26 attorneys in six
          Taylor said he knows Fisher “pretty well,” and that  Connecticut offices “are trying to process what has
        the attorney “was a longtime member of the firm  happened,” Taylor said.
        and a respected member of the community.”             “There are still a lot of unanswered questions,” he
          On Monday evening, the law firm put out a state- said. ”We have reached out to all the members of the
        ment  saying  Fisher  was  involved                                 firm to let them know that if any-
        in the shooting that day. The state-                                one is having difficulty with this,
        ment also said Fisher, who has                                      we will address it thoroughly and
        been with the firm for more than        Lawyers and staff are       immediately.”
        four decades, would be placed on     dealing with the aftermath
        a leave of absence while police in-   of a homicide in front of       Not a Client
        vestigate the matter.                        their office.            Taylor also said there doesn’t
          On Tuesday afternoon, state                                       appear to be a professional re-
        police identified the victim. Of-                                   lationship between Fisher and
        ficers said 39-year-old Matthew                                     Bromley.
        Bromley was killed from a single                                      “We’ve done a preliminary re-
        gunshot wound to the head near the law firm’s office. view and it does not appear he [Bromley] has been
          “Everyone is shocked,” said Taylor, who works out  a client, or listed as an adversarial party,” Taylor said.
        of Cramer & Anderson’s nearby New Milford office,  “We will keep looking, just in case something is there.”
        and has been a firm partner for 17 years. “It’s cer-  The state police conducted a press conference on
        tainly tragic when anyone loses their life.”        Monday, but didn’t mention Fisher’s name. They
          But  in  the  meantime,  the  law  firm  is  trying  to  did, though, identify him in a follow-up release late
        come to grips with the incident.                    Tuesday afternoon.

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