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NEWS JUNE 14, 2021 ■ 7
Beth Griffin Has Talked Thousands of Lawyers
From the Brink. Now She’s Stepping Down
By Robert Storace
Beth Griffin, executive director of the Rocky Hill-based Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Connecticut.
Photo: Robert Storace/ALM
alled the “vision and the glue” that has kept “She is the vision and the glue that made Law-
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Connecticut yers Concerned for Lawyers Connecticut what it
CInc. going for the last 15 years, Beth Griffin, is today,” Dubois said of Griffin Thursday. “She has
the nonprofit’s first executive director, is making helped so many attorneys. If an attorney has ques-
way for a new leader. tions or challenges or issues, she is there to answer
David Williams, a former lawyer and family re- them. If they need intervention or support, she is
lations counselor who stepped down from private also there for that. If they need money to get treat-
practice last year, will become the new executive di- ment, she can coordinate that.”
rector on July 1. Griffin has been a one-person show out of the
The organization is a support group for attorneys nonprofit’s Rocky Hill office since 2006. She has no
and others in the law sector who have addiction and staff and a budget of $300,000 annually that pays
mental health challenges. It provides anonymous for, among other things, the rent, her salary, and
meetings, among other services. the web page.
Mark Dubois, the state’s first chief disciplinary The former insurance in-house counsel took the
counsel and an attorney with Geraghty & Bon- helm as executive director 15 years ago.
nano in New London, is a member of the group’s She began drinking when she was 14 years old.
20-person board of directors. ■ Continued on PAGE 8
Law Tribune