Page 98 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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           hope it will, and you have to be a strong   make an even more user-friendly and   what you want to achieve and stay the
           communicator to be able to rely on oth-  polished product.        course. It’s a balancing act, but if you
           ers to bring your visions to life. I wasn’t                       believe in an idea you owe it to yourself
           going to learn to write code in my spare   What is the best advice for younger   to see it through, and you don’t need
           time, so there was a leap of faith involved   attorneys looking to advance their   to go it alone. I had a huge team of
           in working with a third-party app    own innovative ideas or visions? Keep   marketing experts, associates, clients
           creator.                         refining, don’t be afraid to fail and do not   and partners who served as sounding
             It can be difficult to cede that kind of   give up. Solicit and implement feedback   boards, beta testers and collaborators.
           control over your brainchild, but in the   from others, even when it’s brutal, but   There would be no Hub if I hadn’t asked
           end their insight and opinions helped to   then also develop conviction around   for a ton of help at every step.

                                            during the first summer of the COVID-19
                                            pandemic, as well as the summer of racial

                                            What, if any, obstacles stood in the way
                                            of your innovation, and how did you
                                            overcome them? One of the greatest
                                            obstacles in the way of my innovation
                                            has been related to stakeholder buy-in,
                                            and in particular, helping to educate
                                            senior leaders, including attorneys and
                                            administrative staff, as to the vision for
                                            the Weil Legal Innovators Program, and
                                            how the program can help to benefit the
             Hedieh Fakhriyazdi             firm and the future of the legal profes-  Siobhan Handley
                                            sion. I have overcome those challenges
                 DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL         by engaging senior leaders in the develop-  CHIEF TALENT OFFICER AT ORRICK
                                            ment of the program—ensuring that they
                 RESPONSIBILITY AND                                               HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE
                                            have a window into the process, and are
                 WEIL FOUNDATION AT
                                            included in important decisions relevant
               WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES       to the program and its overall success.  Q&A  What are some of your
                                                                                      proudest achievements
           Q&A     What are some of your    What is the best advice for younger   from the past year? I’m extremely
                                                                             proud of how we’ve supported our
                                            attorneys looking to advance their
                   proudest achievements
           from the past year? In addition to the   own innovative ideas or visions? By   team during this incredibly challeng-
           near completion of the first year of Weil   definition, “innovation” requires new   ing time. We did so by emphasizing the
           Legal Innovators Program, and the sub-  ideas, new approaches, and creativity,   importance of connectivity and well-
           sequent launch of the second year of   and often requires one to challenge   ness, strengthening our commitment
           the program, my team and I also helped   the status quo. Therefore my advice to   to DEI, supporting flexible schedules
           launch the Summer of Service Program,   younger attorneys would be to ask ques-  and recognizing the demands of remote
           placing 130 Weil summer associates   tions and challenge why and how things   work. Some of our innovative programs
           across 50+ nonprofit organizations as   have been done in the past and why   that highlight this is our “Unplug Time”
           seconded volunteers for a four-week   and how they should be amended or   policy, which  allows  attorneys to
           period. This program helped nonprofits   altered in the future. Innovation requires   take a week of unplugged time with
           organizations across the U.S. gain critical   a certain degree of risk taking, and often,   40 hours as billable-equivalent credit,
           resources and human capital they needed   the rewards outweigh the risks.  and establishing our Racial Justice

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