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           Fellowships. We’ve also extended
           our Caregiver Relief benefit, which
           offered three months of 80% work
           at 100% pay for team members who
           couldn’t rely on outside care because
           of heightened health risks in their
           families. There is a clear correlation
           between self-care and high performance,
           and we’re proud to support our teams
           through these programs and continue
           to build a best place to work culture at
           Orrick. We believe these changes will
           make a difference—and we’re always
           looking at what else we can do to inno-
           vate in this area.                          Stephen Fraidin and Greg Patti

           What, if any, obstacles stood in the        PARTNERS AT CADWALADER, WICKERSHAM & TAFT
           way of your innovations, and how
           did you overcome them?  It can
           be difficult to support a large team    Q&A  What are some of your   securities exchanges and regulators—to
           with changing needs during a chal-        proudest achievements   ensure that the implications of changes to
           lenging time. In designing these pro-  from the past year? During the last   traditional structures were understood and
           grams, our focus is on listening to our   year, despite unprecedented obstacles,   any follow-on issues from those changes
           teams to understand how we can help     the entire Cadwalader team worked   were identified and addressed. 2020 was
           them be successful at Orrick, in their   seamlessly to help a number of forward-  absolutely “The Year of the SPAC,” and we
           family lives and within their com-  thinking clients achieve their business   think the future is bright for bold organiza-
           munities. We know that is ultimately   objectives. Whether the matter involved   tions committed to conceiving and lead-
           the key to staying and thriving in a     Pershing Square’s largest SPAC ever (at $4   ing innovative, challenging transaction
           highly demanding service profession   billion), or the Thoma Bravo largest first   structures to accomplish client objectives.
           like ours.                       SPAC without warrants, or the beginning
             I am extremely fortunate to work with   of the development of a new type of blank   What is the best advice for younger
           a leadership team that is both incredibly   check acquisition company (a SPARC), as   attorneys looking to advance their own
           supportive and encouraging of innova-  well as a variety of other ground-breaking   innovative ideas or visions? Younger
           tive ideas on how to manage, support   SPAC, private equity and corporate control   attorneys should understand that even
           and develop talent.              matters, there was one common element:   if they are part of a large institution, such
                                            the Cadwalader culture. As we advised on   as a law firm, corporation, or academic
           What is the best advice for younger   important work on behalf of our clients, we   institution, they are also independent
           attorneys looking to advance their   received incredible support from lawyers   professionals. Innovative ideas in law
           own  innovative  ideas  or  visions?   in various practice groups who contrib-  arise based on a foundation of knowing
           Don’t be afraid to share your innovative   uted in innumerable ways as we success-  and understanding what constitutes the
           ideas!                           fully helped consummate important, mar-  law—constitutions, statutes, cases, rules,
             Young attorneys bring a wonderful   ket-leading transactions for our clients.  articles and speeches, as well as practice
           new perspective and set of experiences                           and precedents. It is often tempting for
           to law firms, and we can greatly benefit   What, if any, obstacles stood in the   young lawyers to focus merely on the task
           from your input. If you’re not sure where   way of your innovation, and how did   at hand and to pay more attention to prec-
           to start, share your ideas with your men-  you overcome them? We knew that we   edents and less attention to these other
           tor or team leaders so they can help   were challenging conventional thinking and   factors. But it is both more satisfying for
           you figure out how to move your vision    breaking new ground for our clients. Doing   the professional, and more valuable for
           forward.                         so required a comprehensive understanding   his or her institution or client, to provide
                                            of SPAC and other transactional structures   advice that results from a thorough knowl-
                                            and a high degree of coordination with oth-  edge and understanding of these other
            ALMExperts:  er participants in SPAC transactions—finan-  factors in ways that can impact or change
                                            cial consultants, auditors, underwriters,   market practice and precedent itself.

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