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levels in terms of the substantive train- and we sprang into action while she was to help the unrepresented in solving
ing and programming that they needed out and she hit the ground running when their everyday legal problems without
in the moment. she returned to the office—we now have the need for an attorney, and (2) cre-
Our women attorneys at all levels an incredibly successful podcast Wom- ate “apps” that would seek to improve
took advantage of our mentoring circles, en@RopesTalk with great content from virtual dispute resolution processes.
grant program, workshops, Women@ some of our remarkable women clients. Law student teams worked virtually to
RopesTalk podcast, and speaker series The old adage, “nothing ventured, noth- design the “apps” with over 30 dispute
to continue their growth and develop- ing gained,” is true, and I think younger resolution practitioners and access to
ment and to connect with each other. lawyers often underestimate how willing justice professionals, as well as over
It was very rewarding to watch, and to partners are to take on a project with an 20 computer scientists from Hofstra, in
take part in. associate and just how many resources breakout rooms over Zoom. One winning
are available at the firm to help bring an “app” seeks to match unrepresented liti-
What, if any, obstacles stood in the idea to life. It is really critical for attor- gants with attorneys who can help them
way of your innovation, and how did neys at all levels to continue to adapt with their legal problems and the other
you overcome them? It probably goes and innovate to reach each other, our “app” seeks to assist unrepresented with
without saying that developing remote clients, and the broader community, and paying their bills and dealing with debt
programming that engages people is a how better to do that than to have our collectors. Now the students are work-
challenge. We made extra efforts to young attorneys innovating in addition ing with Hofstra’s computer scientists
ensure our programming was unique— to cranking away on their billable work? to bring those “apps” to life so they can
and not just another Zoom webinar. be marketed. But most importantly, it
Something as simple as adding music is this type of innovative thinking that
(Imagine Dragons) and slideshows at the the future generation of lawyers needs.
outset of the program to ensuring that During the pandemic, I also came up
the content was interesting and as inter- with the idea, identified the authors, and
active as possible, made our programs designed the first virtual lawyering book
among the most attended of any year for a bar association in the United States.
prior. For example, we had a fireside The over 300-page NYSBA e-book titled
chat in honor of Women’s History Month “Virtual Lawyering: A Practical Guide”
with our firm Chair, Julie Jones, the first from conceptualization to publication
women attorney to lead the firm in its took just eight weeks to complete dur-
156-year history. We had two partners ing the summer of 2020 when New York
who worked closely with Julie interview lawyers needed it the most. In 2021, see-
her and engage in a discussion of what it ing a need for further guidance in this
was like to work together on deals. The area, I originated a Virtual Lawyering
discussion that resulted was personal column for the NYLJ.
and, most importantly, elicited practi- I designed the only bar association-
cal advice, which is what our women Mark Berman taught full-semester technology course
attorneys crave and what makes our in a law school in the country titled
programming successful. “Technology and the Legal Profession.”
It is this type of class that law students
What is the best advice for younger need to properly integrate into our new
attorneys looking to advance their own world of digital lawyering. In 2020, I
an idea, bring it to a partner with whom Q&A What are some of your taught the course virtually at Albany
innovative ideas or visions? If you have
Law School.
proudest achievements
you have a relationship or approach a from the past year? I created, designed
partner with whom you would like to and ran through the New York State What, if any, obstacles stood in the
build a relationship to discuss how to Bar Association (NYSBA) and Hofstra way of your innovation, and how did
bring that idea to life. There is nothing University’s Law School and School of you overcome them? Lawyers are
that makes me happier than to partner Engineering a virtual Innovation Tourna- risk adverse and not comfortable with
with an attorney on a new initiative and ment for New York state law students. change. However, they can be convinced.
see it come to life. One of my partners The mission of the Tournament was Recruiting respected judges, academics,
came up with the idea of a Women’s for law students to: (1) design com- technologists, and senior attorneys to
Forum podcast while on maternity leave puter “applications” that would seek back your ideas, with well-written and
Photo: Ganfer Shore | October 2021 93