Page 93 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 93


                             Shearman & Sterling                             in requests for recorded sessions and
                                                                             practice group demos.
                                                                             What is the best advice for younger
                                                                             attorneys looking to advance their
                                                                             own innovative ideas or visions?
           Q&A     What are some of the firm’s   reduce time and cost on manual language    Attorneys understand the inefficiencies
                                            translation, while retaining the ability
                                                                             that permeate their workflow but are
                   most satisfying successes
           of the past year and why? Shearman   to train the algorithm for enhanced   often too busy to devise a solution. By
           & Sterling has experience adapting and   accuracy.                logging the inefficiencies encountered
           responding quickly to emerging situa-                             in your own life, mapping out existing
           tions while keeping clients top of mind,   What, if any, boundaries stood in   processes, and asking others about their
           which was highlighted by our innova-  the way of the firm’s innovative   struggles with existing processes, you
           tive response to COVID-19.       accomplishment, and how were they   can find out why things are done the
             From our COVID-19 Task Force and   surmounted? Post-COVID-19 remote-  way they are. If you discover that a pro-
           COVID-19 Resource Center, through   working arrangements posed new   cess is done a certain way “because it’s
           which we published 140 pieces of   challenges to the design and delivery   always been done that way,” it is ripe
           thought leadership and presented 24+   of the global Shearman Innovate pro-  for innovation.
           partner-led webinars, to our Global   gram. The firm sought to increase aware-  The next step is to think about how
           COVID-19 Legislation Tool, an app   ness and adoption of legal tech tools   automation and technology can play
           we developed that provides daily     by stepping up in-person training to   a role. Identify the repeatable aspects
           legislative updates to COVID-19 glob-  meet client demand that law firms use   of the process or where patterns are
           ally, and our COVID-19 Relief Efforts,   technology more effectively to deliver    sought in information. Figuring out
           of which included the launch of a firm-  services.                where AI and machine learning can be
           wide global pro bono and community   To meet the challenge, Shearman   used to extract information, and reserv-
           service initiative—our ability to pivot   Innovate was launched as a practice-  ing analysis for lawyers is a huge leap
           and proactively identify opportunities   focused, weekly series of live half-hour   forward in efficiency and innovation.
           when faced with challenges allowed   TED-style virtual talks based on design   Develop a minimal viable product to
           us to provide the best representa-  inputs from lawyers, the client value   test your idea and determine how it
           tion to our clients during this unprec-  team and external vendors.  fits within the existing legal workflow.
           edented time was a big success for the   Shearman Innovate had no allocated   Finally, never underestimate the pow-
           firm.                            budget and was delivered within the   erful cultural change that is necessary
             Another satisfying success came in   planned eight weeks with no delays.   for adoption of innovation. Know your
           our commitment to staying ahead of our   Significant benefits as a direct result of   audience and speak to them frequently.
           competitors.                     the series included increased collabora-  Address their objections and concerns.
             For the past year Shearman & Sterling   tion, increased attendance by lawyers   Appreciate that while some won’t see
           has been an early adopter of machine   for virtual events, a notable increase   value in your idea, others may find it to
           translation portal SDL to significantly   in product adoption, and an increase   be a gamechanger.

           Photos: Ryland West/ALM; Shearman                                                  |   October 2021   91
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