Page 103 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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           revisions, and then worked to submit   While Verizon drives innovation by pro-  By fully adopting the idea that anyone
           the required state or local attestations.   viding the networks and platforms that   in our organization can lead, we empow-
           As the consumer business looks towards   enable technology, we have also adopted   er both our team members and our cli-
           ways to better serve customers in the   a company-wide belief that innovation   ents to make a real impact. As a result,
           future, many of the technologies, pro-  means evolving the ways we work. We   Verizon Consumer Group Legal team
           cesses, and ways of working developed   have evolved how we manage our teams,   members have embraced innovation,
           will be leveraged to help our clients   how we collaborate with our peers, and   made incremental and holistic process
           meet the customer when, where, and   how we lead. Based on our experiences   improvements that help provide infor-
           how they want to be met.         this past year, to actively search for and   mation and advice to clients quickly or
                                            present opportunities to staff members   efficiently, and led in organizing social
           What is your best advice for in-house   or attorneys based on their strengths   justice and pro bono efforts for the team,
           lawyers trying to make an impact, with   and interests has made a significant   the department, and the company as a
           their corporate clients and beyond?   impact on how we work.      whole.

                Hylan Fenster

                      AT ADOBE

           Q&A     What are some of your
                   most satisfying successes
           of the past year and why? This past
           year, my team helped close billions of
           dollars in deals for Adobe; hundreds
           of transactions were over a million
           dollars. I am very proud to work with
           intelligent, diligent and creative trans-
           actional attorneys and colleagues who
           want to do their best for Adobe and
           improve the customer experience for
           our clients. In addition, while manag-
           ing my team of attorneys, I have also
           provided leadership and guidance to my
           colleagues, while also mentoring other
           attorneys within Adobe. I have helped
           his team navigate a lot of uncertainty
           due to COVID-19 and promoted diversity
           in our hiring practices.
             I also recently led an impactful and   Adobe’s core values of being Genuine,   own unique brand and be known for
           creative rebuild of the Sales and Product   Innovative, Involved and Exceptional are   something within the organization.
           Legal teams’ Charter, which identifies the   values that I strive to attain every day,   Whether it’s a partner to the business,
           processes and procedures of working   and I feel that my successes over the   expertise in privacy or security or lead-
           together in a more cohesive and innova-  past year have been more effective when   ing a major initiative, attorneys can
           tive way than in the past. The program-  I keep those core values in mind.  make impactful impressions that are
           ming includes maintenance of team meet-                           powerful and help that attorney grow
           ings, shadow programming, team deal   What is your best advice for in-house   as well as the organization. Your corpo-
           sharing, enhanced product learnings and   lawyers trying to make an impact,   rate clients and other will associate you
           more. This will lead to better product and   with their corporate clients and   as the “go-to” person for that subject,
           deal knowledge across the globe within   beyond? Build your brand. I would   which can open up opportunities or sim-
           Adobe and involves 100+ attorneys.  advise in-house lawyers to build their   ply help you build your relationships.

           Photos: Ryland West/ALM                                                           |   October 2021   101
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