Page 102 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 102


                                                                             ABOVE FROM LEFT, DAVID HUBBARD,
                                                                                   VANDANA VENKATESH,
                                                                             JUNE CASALMIR AND MIKE MORANO,
                                                                                   COUNSEL FOR VERIZON

                                     Verizon                                 business navigate these requirements

                                                                             and those in the Emergency Broadband
              RESPONSES PREPARED BY THE VERIZON CONSUMER GROUP LEGAL TEAM    Benefit program, both of which helped
                                                                             Verizon serve hard-hit communities.
                                                                               We also worked hand-in-hand with
           Q&A      What are some of your   changes and shifts and shared infor-  our Sales Operations clients, State &
                                            mation with clients quickly, which then
                                                                             Government Affairs counterparts and
                    most satisfying successes
           of the past year and why? This past   allowed Verizon to not only meet the   with enterprise-wide crisis management
           year, the Verizon Consumer Group Legal   requirements of the FCC’s Keep Ameri-  response teams to implement the mul-
           team focused on authentic and trans-  can Connected pledge, but exceed them.   tiple state and local shelter-in-place
           parent relationships. This positioned   We added wireless high speed data allot-  orders and reopening mandates that
           our team to lead in the service of cus-  ments, temporarily removed data caps   applied to our 1400+ company-owned
           tomers, employees, shareholders, and   for DSL and FIOS broadband Internet   stores. We advised the business in imple-
           our community at large throughout the   plans, and supported school districts   menting social distancing protocols and
           pandemic. We anticipated regulatory   and small businesses. We helped the   face covering orders, exemptions, and

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