Page 107 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 107


                                            area? Many of our partners were practic-  What is your response? The experience
                                            ing at the height of the financial crisis   we bring to bear is unparalleled. Cahill
                                            and this last year during the pandemic   leads many of the most sophisticated
                                            was magnitudes more challenging, giv-  and complex matters in the market,
                                            en that many companies that needed   proving time and again that we can suc-
                                            financing saw their revenue drop signifi-  cessfully deploy that experience to help
                                            cantly—sometimes to near zero. Situ-  arrive at creative solutions to nuanced
                                            ational exigency created unusual stress   situations. That means we operate at the
                                            on companies looking to raise capital   cutting edge of deal terms, understand-
                                            and that often resulted in extremely   ing perhaps better than anyone what the
                                            tight timelines.                 market will bear and where the market
                                                                             is headed. The financial institutions and
                                            A prospective client calls and asks why   companies that work with us are the
                                            you or your team should be retained.   primary beneficiaries of those insights.
             DOUGLAS HOROWITZ,

             PARTNER AT CAHILL
             GORDON & REINDEL

           Q&A      What were some of your
                    most satisfying successes
           of the past year, and why? We were
           given an opportunity to step forward
           and serve at a treacherous moment.
             Often when we raise funds they’re
           labeled “for general corporate purpos-
           es.” But during COVID-19, we were all
           working to keep the lights on at these
           companies, which in turn ensured that
           people kept jobs. In some cases there
           simply was no other source of cash flow.   DEANNA KIRKPATRICK AND DEREK DOSTAL,
           Even while we were in the trenches, it
           was important to stop occasionally and   PARTNERS AT DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL
           remind our team to appreciate its incred-
           ensure that these companies would  Q&A     What were some of your   touch and highly responsive approach
           ible role in helping people and helping
                                                                             to clients given the fast-paced nature
                                                      most satisfying success-
           remain alive to provide their goods and   es of the past year, and why? The   of deals today.
           services to everyone once again when   Silver Spike/Weedmaps transaction
           things turn around.              was definitely a highlight. That trans-  What recent market factors have been
                                            action combined all of the multidis-  the most challenging in your practice
           What qualities make a great dealmak-  ciplinary complications of the SPAC   area? The consequences of the change
           er? A commercial focus and collegial   structure with a highly regulated   in warrant accounting. It impacted
           approach are essential. Each company   industry overlay, by virtue of the target    new issuances, existing SPACs and de-
           brings to the table its wants and needs,   business operating in the cannabis   SPACed companies with warrants still
           and then those have to be matched with   space. The transaction really allowed   outstanding, requiring expertise and
           the goals of the marketplace. Finding the   us to showcase the depth of our firm’s   patience to work through the many
           common ground can be a challenge of   areas ofexpertise.          resulting issues.
           immense proportions and it requires con-
           sistent focus on finding the right  balance.  What qualities make a great dealmaker?     A prospective client calls and asks
                                            Experience, creativity and the ability   why you or your team should be
           What recent market factors have been   to find common ground across the   retained.  What is your response?
           the most challenging in your practice   working group—together with a high-  There’s no other firm, in our opinion,

           Photos: Cahill Gordon; Davis Polk                                                 |   October 2021   105
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