Page 106 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 106


                DEREK STOLDT,                           LISA ALTER AND KATIE BARON,

                  PARTNER AT                                       PARTNERS AT
              ARNOLD & PORTER                              ALTER KENDRICK & BARON

           Q&A      most satisfying successes  Q&A   What were some of your   dealmaker must also be an acute listen-
                    What were some of your
                                                                             er—both to her clients and to opposing
                                                     most satisfying successes
           of the past year, and why? Helping our   of the past year, and why? We are grate-  counsel and other participants in the
           clients develop, manufacture, and distrib-  ful that our firm seamlessly transitioned   transaction.
           ute the COVID-19 vaccine and therapeu-  to remote work during the pandemic
           tics was a tremendous honor. We were   and, despite all the challenges involved,   What recent market factors have been
           all keenly aware that we were in a race   successfully negotiated and closed   the most challenging in your practice
           to save lives and return the world to nor-  some of the most significant transac-  area? The introduction of a wide range
           malcy. We all had to think creatively and   tions in the most business.   of new players in the music industry has
           take new approaches to time-honored   We are particularly proud of our work   fostered some challenges as parties not
           ways of doing business to get it done.  in connection with the acquisition by   familiar with the industry have sought to
                                            Reservoir Media Management, Inc. of   reconcile the nuances of the music busi-
           What qualities make a great dealmaker?   the legendary Shapiro Bernstein cata-  ness with traditional investment models.
           The best dealmakers have very solid fun-  log, the representation of Primary Wave
           damentals but are also creative enough to   Music in the acquisition of numerous   A prospective client calls and asks why
           identify bespoke solutions for novel issues.  iconic music catalogs, including the   you or your team should be retained.
                                            interests of Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton   What is your response? Our highly-
           What recent market factors have been   John, and our role as music counsel   trained team of lawyers and paralegals
           the most challenging in your practice   on behalf of Big Hit America Inc. in its   is adept at representing clients in every
           area? Speed. Life science deals during the   acquisition of Ithaca Holdings, LLC.  phase of complex transactions involving
           pandemic needed to move at unmatched                              the purchase and sale of music assets,
           speed. That speed often brought addi-  What qualities make a great dealmak-  as well as the merger and acquisition
           tional complexity. We found that the most   er? A great dealmaker must be able to   of entities that work in this space.
           important thing was to get the fundamen-  understand the “big picture” or “drone   Our work is founded in our in-depth
           tals aligned and try to keep everyone’s eye    view” of a transaction while simultane-  knowledge of the copyright laws, which
           on the ball.                     ously having an acute attention to detail.   affords us essential insight into chain
                                            Successful dealmaking not only involves   of title issues, and our meticulous law-
           A prospective client calls and asks why   helping one’s client strike the most   yering skills allow us to close even the
           you or your team should be retained.   advantageous deal, but also managing   most complicated deals in an expedi-
           What is your response? Our team under-  complete and thorough due diligence,   tious manner while never sacrifice our
           stands your business and will identify risks   mitigating potential risks, and ensuring   focus on excellence.
           that others will not and help find practi-  that the transaction documents are clear,
           cal approaches to address those risks.  unambiguous, and well-crafted. A great   —Responses prepared by Lisa Alter.

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