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S-24  ■  JUNE 7, 2021             CONNECTICUT LEGAL AWARDS

        ■ From INDELIBLE on PAGE S-23                      in the area of divorce law who has become an cham-
        Streamline  Capital  v.  Hartford  Insurance, which  pion for the profession who is nationally ranked for
        hinged on the “period of restoration” for World  his work in and outside the courtroom.
        Trade Center tenants.                                 When he is not advocating for clients, Louden
          Through it all, Goldman said the greatest reward  is teaching others how to do so, in professionalism
        has been obtaining successful results on behalf of  and ethics classes at the University of Connecticut
        parties, and seizing “the opportunity to tackle prac- School of Law, where has also developed a family
        tical and intellectual challenges while working with  law seminar. Among his students are lawyers who
        others to accomplish a shared goal on behalf of a cli- have gone on to become Superior and Appellate
        ent.”                                              court judges.
          Goldman added that he believes the most impor-      Louden was an original member of the Ameri-
        tant qualities for a lawyer to possess are honesty,  can Bar Association’s Standing Committee on
        passion and the ability “to lead by example and show  Professional Discipline in the 1970s, representing
        both clients and colleagues that you truly care about  the Second Circuit. His knowledge brought him be-
        them.”                                                              fore audiences around the country
          A fellow of the American Col-                                     for lectures on professional dis-
        lege of Trial Lawyers, Goldman                                      cipline, and he is credited with
        has chaired the organization’s state                                helping bring Connecticut’s griev-
        committee for Connecticut. He          Stephen E. Goldman of        ance system into the modern age.
        is also a fellow of the American                                      Those who work closely with
        College of Coverage Counsel and         Robinson & Cole and         Louden learn that the ethical
        an executive member of the Fed-       William Bruce Louden of       choice is always favorable to tak-
        eration of Defense and Corporate      Louden, Katz & McGrath        ing the easiest or most financially
        Counsel. He is a past chair of the      earn high praise from       expedient route. That may explain
        Property Insurance Committee of      colleagues across the legal    why he often receives referrals
        the American Bar Association and               industry             from  former  opposing  parties  in
        a member of the Lawyers Com-                                        the family law realm.
        mittee of the National Center for                                     Though Louden is recognized as
        State Courts, which includes the                                    a formidable litigator, colleagues
        chief justices of every state su-                                   note that he regularly settles the
        preme court.                                                        most complicated cases fairly,
          In the legal education community, Goldman has  under some of the most difficult circumstances, in-
        served as an adjunct professor at the University of  cluding complex and high-profile matters involving
        Connecticut School of Law and at Western New  CEOs, partners, physicians, television personalities,
        England University School of Law. He serves on the  foreign royalty and judges. One former president
        boards of directors of the Greater Hartford Legal  of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
        Aid Foundation and the Village for Families & Chil- simply called him a “legend of the family bar.”
        dren. He is a past president of the Greater Hartford   Among Louden’s current pursuits has been work
        Legal Aid Board of Directors. In 2002, he received  to form an organization of lawyers ages 70 and older
        the Hartford County Bar Association’s Public Ser- who are still engaged in the full-time practice of law
        vice Award.                                         because, like him, they love the profession.    ■

            William Bruce Louden, Louden,                  Michael Marciano is bureau chief of the Connecti-
          Katz & McGrath                                   cut Law Tribune. He can be reached at mmarciano@
          Well into his fifth decade of lawyering, William or call 646-957-3022. On Twitter: @Break-
        “Bruce” Louden is known as an advocate and pioneer  ingCTLaw

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