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CONNECTICUT LEGAL AWARDS                             JUNE 7, 2021  ■  S-25

                    Keeping the Conversation Going:

                    2021’s Diversity Initiative Awards

                                                By Michael Marciano

                             Diversity and inclusion are at the policy forefront for Connecticut firms.
             hrough staff-wide events, community outings  shares her experiences as a Muslim and Pakistani-
             and official policy updates, Connecticut law  American attorney, Khalid is a mentor for attorneys
        Tfirms flourished with diversity-focused initia- with young children, having been elevated to part-
        tives over the past year, putting inclusiveness at the  ner while on maternity leave. She also co-chairs
        top of the agenda. Individuals and firms showed  Wiggin & Dana’s Community Service and Public
        their commitment by encouraging members to talk  Interest Committee.
        about issues of race, gender and culture, and to bring   Amanda C. Nugent, Carmody Torrance Sandak
        their concerns to the table.                        & Hennessey
          The  following  winners  of  Diversity  Initiative   Amanda Nugent co-chairs Carmody’s Diversity
        awards from the 2021 Connecticut Legal Awards  Equity & Inclusion team alongside firm Managing
        are just a sampling of the many programs that have  Partner Richard L. Street and has been the princi-
        sprung up across the state, led by people who are  pal force behind its continued growth and success.
        dedicated to fairness and equity on the job and in  Under her leadership, the DEI team has sponsored
        their provision of legal services.                  numerous events on issues including racial jus-
          Najia Khalid, Wiggin & Dana                       tice, making allies, the importance of mentors and
          Najia Khalid leads Wiggin & Dana’s immigration  implicit bias. The talks are open to all employees—
        and nationality law and compliance practice group  lawyer  and  non-lawyer,  reflecting  Nugent’s  belief
        and is the firm’s first attorney focusing entirely on  that everyone should be included in the effort. With
        immigration law. She is the point person for the  Nugent’s encouragement, several staff members
        firm’s D&I efforts in recruiting, retention and pro- have picked up the ball, taking on leading roles.
        fessional development. A frequent speaker who                                   ■ Continued on PAGE S-26


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