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20  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                            NEWS

           Attorney, Judge Will Co-Chair Governor’s

                        Hate-Crimes Advisory Council

                                                 By Robert Storace

                                Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont. Photo: Michael Marciano/ALM

           n the backdrop of hate crimes spiking in           “The council is so very diverse,” said Lavine, who
           the state and throughout the country, Gov.  noted there are members representing churches,
       INed Lamont announced the formation of a  different ethnic grounds, institutions of higher
        25-person Connecticut Hate Crimes Advisory  learning,  the  business  community  and  nonprof-
        Council that will feature an attorney and judge  its, among others. “I think attorneys, specifically,
        as co-chairs.                                      can assist, given their understanding of the crimi-
          Co-chairing the advisory council is Judge Trial  nal and civil legal system. Lawyers can—because
        Referee Douglas Lavine and Connecticut Bar  of  their  background,  experience  and  training—
        Association President Amy Lin Meyerson.            bring their special knowledge to bear on the fairly
          University  of  Connecticut  School  of  Law  complex legal issues.”
        professor Richard Wilson and the president or         In a press release, the governor said the advi-
        designees of four affinity bar associations in the  sory council will be responsible for coordinating
        state will be ex officio members.                  programs that increase community awareness and
          Lavine, Meyerson and Wilson said the legal  reporting of hate crimes and to combat those crimes.
        community could help provide much-needed              Lamont also said the council, which is expect-
        answers to lots of questions.                      ed to meet periodically in the summer and then

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