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S-26  ■  JUNE 7, 2021             CONNECTICUT LEGAL AWARDS

        ■ From KEEPING on PAGE S-25                        and inclusion under the firm’s Diversity Action Plan.
          Stuart Katz, Cohen and Wolf                      Last September, the firm achieved Mansfield Rule
          Under Stuart Katz’s leadership, Cohen and Wolf’s  3.0 diversity and inclusion certification after com-
        commitment to diversity and inclusion remained  pleting a year-long process, agreeing to consider at
        unwavering during the COVID-19 pandemic.  least 30 percent historically underrepresented law-
        Undeterred by physical isolation, the firm’s Diversity  yers as candidates for leadership roles. The firm has
        and Inclusion Committee established a new Lunch  also recommitted to Mansfield Rule 4.0. Robinson &
        & Learn Series, with guest speakers discussing top- Cole is also among the first firms to have joined the
        ics such as implicit bias, discrimination and racism.  Law Firm Antiracism Alliance.
        Participants have discovered a variety of ways to     Saxe Doernberger & Vita
        make the legal field more inclusive, and they have    Saxe Doernberger & Vita was among the first
        had  impactful  discussions  about  current  events.  law firms in Connecticut to sign the Connecticut
        The Lunch & Learn Series has emerged as a popular  Bar Association’s Diversity & Inclusion Plan and
        event for attendees.                               Pledge. The firm strives to create an environment
          Steven Lapp, McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney &  that  highlights and  promotes  the collective  value
        Carpenter                                          of its employees’ differences, and has implemented
          Steven Lapp is Hartford office partner for McEl- diversity initiatives in the areas of recruitment, com-
        roy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, focusing on  pensation and benefits, professional development
        litigation and alternative dispute resolution. Outside  and business. The firm notes that 61% of its attor-
        the firm, he serves on the Board of the Lawyers Col- neys are female, and three of the last five attorneys
        laborative for Diversity, of which McElroy Deutsch  elevated to partner are female. Incorporated in the
        was one of the founding firms 16 years ago. Lapp  firm’s Mission & Values Statement is the belief that
        takes time to ensure talented, diverse junior law- the firm is stronger, more effective and more capable
        yers have the opportunity to work on challenging  of meeting the needs of clients and business interests
        matters. He has also participated in the Cultural Di- when diversity and inclusion are embraced.
        versity Initiative at UConn School of Law and has     Travelers
        interviewed many historically underrepresented        Ken Horenstein, associate group general coun-
        students for summer associate positions.            sel for the Travelers claim legal liability group, has
          Papcsy Janosov Roche Trial Lawyers                a deep commitment to mentoring and developing
          In 2020, after Donald Papcsy and his firm settled  diverse legal talent and fostering that same com-
        three cases totaling about $2 million, he directed  mitment within the team that he leads at Travelers.
        the firm to donate more than $20,000 from the pro- From individual mentoring to developing a group
        ceeds to two Connecticut nonprofits, the Children’s  of “diversity champions,” Horenstein leads a group
        Law Center of Connecticut and the Choose Love  of 35 attorneys across the country, encouraging all
        Movement. “The cause is the fight for social equal- to further diversity and inclusion efforts both in and
        ity,” Papcsy said at the time. “I strongly encourage  outside  the  company.  D&I  team discussions  have
        other attorneys to do the same. Our hope is that we  included the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that
        can start a trend.” Papscy Jaosov Roche was recog- the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects LGBTQ employ-
        nized as an industry leader for donating a portion of  ees from discrimination and the decision’s place in
        profits to community efforts, the firm remains com- history, including its impact during the resurgence
        mitted to promoting social justice.                 of the Black Lives Matter movement.             ■
          John Lynch, Robinson & Cole
          John B. Lynch, Jr. is a member of Robinson &  Michael Marciano is bureau chief of the Connecti-
        Cole’s business transactions group and chair of the  cut Law Tribune. He can be reached at mmarciano@
        firm’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. or call 646-957-3022. On Twitter: @Break-
        He has spearheaded initiatives to promote diversity  ingCTLaw

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