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NEWS                                     JUNE 7, 2021  ■  21
        more frequently beginning in the fall, can make       “We have seen an uptick in hate crimes. While
        recommendations for legislation concerning hate  there have been many reports against the Asian-
        crimes, including items such as recommendations  American community, at the same time there are
        on restitution for victims, and additional alterna- high levels of hate crimes each year against Af-
        tive sentencing programs for first-time offenders  rican Americans,” Wilson said Thursday. “There
        and young offenders.                               are also spikes against the Jewish community, as
          And in an emailed statement, bar president Meyer- well as the LGBT community. Hate crimes have
        son said: “We look forward to working collaboratively  increased  over  the  last  five  years  after a  long
        with the governor’s office, legislature, judicial branch,  downward trajectory of about 20 years since the
        and our communities.”                                               mid-1990s.”
          Wilson, who is  the  associate                                      Wilson sees several possible
        dean for faculty development and                                    reasons for the increase in hate
        intellectual life and the Gladstein                                 crimes, including “a more popu-
        chair and professor of anthro-            Gov. Ned Lamont           list style of politics, an increase
        pology and law, is the author                                       in white nationalistic groups,
        of numerous books, including          announced Tuesday that        and economic uncertainty.”
        his latest work “Incitement on         CBA President Amy Lin          While it  hasn’t  been  decided
        Trial: Prosecuting International        Meyerson and Judge          what the advisory council will
        Speech Crimes.”                         Trial Referee Douglas       tackle first, Wilson said he’d like
          Wilson said having attorneys         Lavine will co-chair the     to take a closer look at the sta-
        and judges on the council is vi-       25-member Connecticut        tistics.
        tal to “have an accurate and deep       Hate Crimes Advisory          “I’m not sure the reporting of
        understanding of the various                   Council.             hate crimes in  Connecticut  and
        laws and legislation in Connecti-                                   nationally is  the most  accurate,”
        cut that relate to hate crimes, and                                 he said. “We report about 7,000
        there are a number of them and                                      to 8,000 hate crimes annually,
        include things like threatening                                     while  England and  Wales have
        behavior.”                                                          about  80,000  annually.  Are they
          Wilson said he’s been studying the issue of hate  10 times more bias motivated than us? I doubt it.
        speech for more than a decade and his book high- Our reporting needs to be stronger. We need more
        lights “how countries have spiraled into ethnic  resources and monitoring and better training of
        and racial violence across the world. I have great  law enforcement to what hate crimes are.”       ■
        concerns for our country.”
          Wilson  said  the  council  is  needed  now  more  Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        than ever because hate crimes, most notably  analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
        against Asian Americans, have skyrocketed in the  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        United States.                                     203-437-5950.



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