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V E R D I C TS & S E T T L E M E N TS               JUNE 7, 2021  ■  29
                                            VERDICTS & SETTLEMENTS
          The defense offered $130,000                                      Law Offices of Meehan, Roberts,
        prior to trial, which Ayala turned                                  Turret & Rosenbaum in Walling-
        down. Swienton made her judg-                                       ford. Buley didn’t respond to a
        ment in the case Wednesday              New London Superior         request for comment Tuesday.
        afternoon after about a little more     Court Judge Cynthia           In court pleadings, the defense
        than six hours of testimony, Ayala       Swienton awarded           didn’t contest liability, but rather
        said.                                $544,806 to the victim in a    left it to the plaintiff’s side to prove
          Ayala said the defense indicated        two-vehicle crash.        its case. The court pleadings re-
        it will not be appealing the verdict.                               peatedly said the defendants “had
          According to a November 2019                                      insufficient information or knowl-
        lawsuit filed in New London Supe-                                   edge upon which to form a belief
        rior Court, defendant Roger Hary                                    and, therefore, leaves the plaintiff
        “without warning turned left and struck plaintiff’s  to his proof.”
        vehicle.”                                             Assisting Ayala was her colleague attorney Carla
          Liability wasn’t an issue, as Hary said in his depo- Minniefield.                                 ■
        sition there was sun glare at the time of the accident,
        Ayala said. Responding officers gave Hary an infrac- Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        tion for failure to grant the right of way.        analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
          Representing Hary and defendant Safeco Insur- him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        ance, the carrier, was attorney Daniel Buley of the  203-437-5950.

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