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18  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                            NEWS

        ■ From 2ND CIRCUIT on PAGE 17                                         He sentenced Trimm last June
        under the 15-year minimum in                                        to five years in federal prison.
        the case of Hillary Trimm.                                            The Second Circuit panel, how-
          According to the decision,                                        ever, said Wednesday that there
        Trimm  pleaded guilty to  con-       The panel said U.S. District   was “no evidence” to support
        spiring with another defendant,      Judge David N. Hurd of the     Hurd’s findings of unconstitution-
        Stacey LaPorte Jr., to make vid-      Northern District of New      al motive or bad faith on the part
        eos of Trimm performing acts on      York had no legal basis for    of the government. The case, the
        her infant daughter. According                                      panel said, underscored that the
        to the decision, Trimm  provid-      compelling prosecutors to      district court’s authority to impose
        ed substantial assistance to the     file a motion for a reduced    a sentence below the statutory
        government, helping to secure a        sentence based on the        minimum, based on a defendants
        95-year  prison  sentence  for  La-   defendant’s cooperation.      cooperation, was limited.
        Porte.                                                                “The government’s refusal to
          Prosecutors filed a motion in                                     make a § 3553(e) motion based
        Trimm’s case for a downward                                         on its valuation of Trimm’s
        departure from her guideline sen-                                   cooperation was not an uncon-
        tence of 30 years, but declined to                                  stitutional act,”  the  judges  said.
        pursue a sentence below the 15-year statutory mini- “Section 3553(e) gives the government a power, not
        mum.                                               a duty, to permit a district court to depart from a
          Hurd nevertheless “deemed” that the government  mandatory minimum based on a defendant’s sub-
        had made the § 3553(e) motion, and sentenced Trimm  stantial assistance,’” the judges said.
        to 7 1/2 years in prison. The Second Circuit vacated   The panel included Chief Judge Debra Ann Liv-
        that sentence in 2019, finding that Hurd was “with- ingston and Judges Dennis Jacobs and Steven J.
        out authority” to impose a lighter sentence, absent any  Menashi.
        findings of unconstitutional motive or bad faith.     It was not immediately clear which judge would
          On remand, Hurd granted Trimm’s motion to com- be assigned to the case for sentencing.            ■
        pel prosecutors to file the motion, finding, in part,
        that the government’s refusal was meant to “reduce  Tom McParland of New York Law Journal can be
        this court’s discretion to depart from the govern- contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on
        ment’s notion of the appropriate total sentence.”  Twitter @TMcParlandALM.

                       Circuit Panel Grants Rehearing

                        Over Anti-Abortion Protesters

                                                 By Tom McParland
               panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sec-  The move, announced Tuesday, could jeopar-
               ond Circuit has agreed to rehear arguments  dize New York Attorney General Letitia James’
        A in a case that revived a state lawsuit targeting  ongoing efforts to sue the demonstrators in feder-
        anti-abortion protesters outside of a Queens medical  al court for allegedly harassing and intimidating
        clinic, vacating an earlier opinion that ruled against  patients during weekly protests that date back to
        the demonstrators.                                 2012.

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