Page 92 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 92


                       Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe                         anonymous. We saw broad adoption of vir-
                                                                             tual white boards and other design think-
                                                                             ing technology by groups across our firm.
                          RESPONSES PREPARED BY WENDY CURTIS,
                                                                               We face the wonderful problem of so
                          CHIEF INNOVATION OFFICER AT THE FIRM.
                                                                             many new ideas. To manage this wonderful
                                                                             problem, we created on-demand automat-
           Q&A     What are some of the firm’s   maximizing their impact within the firm   ed project plans and ROI metrics—to make
                                                                             available to everyone the tools to evaluate
                                            and with our clients.
                   most satisfying successes
           of the past year and why? Innovation                              and test ideas and determine if there is
           is doing things better, often by meeting   What, if any, boundaries stood in the   market need for the innovation.Because of
           previously hidden or underserved cus-  way of the firm’s innovative accomplish-  COVID-19, we can all imagine a future that
           tomer needs. The Observatory, Privacy   ment, and how were they surmounted?   was inconceivable 12 months ago. We’re
           in a Box, Joinder and our ESG offerings all   COVID-19 certainly changed everything   working together, colleagues and clients, to
           meet previously underserved customer   and initially had us concerned about   seize on this once in a generation moment
           needs. At Orrick, we strive to innovate for   our ability to remain connected. But   and maintain the momentum that’s driv-
           the benefit of our internal and external   instead, COVID-19 accelerated innovation   ing wonderful change in our profession.
           customers. To build these solutions, we   and increased our creativity in ways we
           provided our colleagues with best in class   couldn’t have imagined. Despite the dif-  What is the best advice for younger
           technology to enable remote work and   ficulty we all face, in many ways we’re   attorneys looking to advance their own
           focus on the complex work that brought   more connected, more creative and more   innovative ideas or visions? Embrace
           them to Orrick. We also created new   invested in our culture of inclusion and   and seek out new roles and expertise
           roles that bring greater diversity to our   transformation. We’re more attuned to our   emerging in the legal industry. Our front
           teams and offer new career paths. For   colleagues and clients as whole people.   seat to the legal tech transformation has
           our clients, we spend an extraordinary   As we work together to solve challenges,   shown us the invaluable impact of diverse
           amount of time listening to what they’re   we see pets, family members, gardens   teams. Today’s teams now include entre-
           facing to unearth new or unmet needs. We   and personal photos. This makes us all   preneurs, developers, legal operations
           understand our value isn’t just in reduc-  more human, inspires creative thoughts   professionals, engineers, data scientists,
           ing risk but contributing to competitive   and often gives needed moments of lev-  six sigma experts, change management
           advantage. The Observatory, Privacy   ity. All of this fosters creativity, trust and   trainers, and many others. Embrace the
           in Box, Joinder and our ESG offerings   risk taking—the pillars of change. We all   different perspectives and expertise.
           are all legal solutions that both address   certainly have Zoom fatigue, but tech-  Learn new concepts, such as go-to-mar-
           legal requirements but also enhance our   nology enabled remote work enhanced   ket strategy, functional fixedness, KPIs,
           clients’ customers’ experience. Lawyers   rather than obstructed design thinking.   system interoperability, ROI, technology
           are often criticized for a lack of creativ-  During remote design thinking sessions,   stacks and entirely different concepts
           ity and resistance to change but in fact   we realized that the remote format meant   of value. You’ll learn that problems that
           they are incredible problem solvers. We   ideation portion is all anonymous. We saw   seem insolvable become entirely solvable
           work hard to harness those skills and   increased engagement in the generation of   when you share them with those with
           bring our colleagues’ ideas to life, while   new and creative ideas because they were   different perspectives.

        90   October 2021   |                                                           Photos: Orrick; Jason Doiy/ALM
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