Page 67 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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Managing partner
At Morelli Law Firm
What are some of your proudest recent achievements?
I was extremely proud to secure the largest
pain and suffering award in New York state
history for our client, Mark Perez. The result
will create a new benchmark for pain and suf-
fering damages in catastrophic personal injury
cases that is more reflective of a modern era.
In the case of our client, he will never be the
same and we are comforted by the fact that he will now have
the financial resources needed to move on with his life as
best he can.
I am also so proud of how our team rallied together during
what has been an excruciating year. Every morning I have a panies are increasingly emboldened to challenge legitimate
zoom video call with my attorneys to discuss cases, busi- claims, providing defendants with a convenient excuse to
ness, and anything they believe is important. We often will not compensate victims.
also discuss personal or social items. We are a team and a Lawyers operating in this climate need to always be pre-
family. Our team spirit works great for us in making business pared to go to trial. Otherwise, defendants and insurance
decisions and boosting morale. companies will bully them into accepting settlement offers
that are insufficient and do a disservice to their client.
Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you.
I never had a true mentor who inspired me. Before I became a What is the best advice for someone considering a career
lawyer, I was passionate about handling personal injury cases. in law, or someone already in the profession who is seeking
I spent many days and weeks watching trials of prominent to make a greater impact? There are many different areas
trial lawyers of the time. I decided what would work for me of law. You must choose one that that brings you passion
and what wouldn’t. That was my trial lawyer apprenticeship. and fulfillment.
For those looking to increase their impact, push yourself
How are the business and profession of law changing, and each year to take on pro bono cases or cases on contingency
how should lawyers adapt for the future? On the plaintiff that you are passionate about. Another way to help beyond the
side, we are seeing companies fight harder than ever to avoid law is through volunteering your time and expertise to non-
taking financial responsibility for wrongdoing. Insurance com- profit organizations that work on issues that you care about.
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Photo: Morelli Law Firm | October 2021 65