Page 69 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 69
Founding partner of
Hoguet Newman Regal & Kenney
What are some of your proudest recent achievements?
A s a co-founder of Hoguet Newman Regal &
Kenney, I’m proud that the firm has thrived
for 25 years and has a very impressive track
record of success in resolving our clients’ legal
issues. I am proud of the strong and endur-
ing relationships that we have nurtured with
our clients. And I am proud that the firm that
we built is well poised for the future, to be led by the next
generation of firm leaders. Several years ago, we reinvested
in the firm’s future with a long-term lease in newly designed
office space in Manhattan, taking the 48th floor of One Grand
Central Place. does not have to have all of the same experiences that we
senior lawyers had. There is no reason why they should have
Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you. to walk five miles in the freezing cold to get to work.
Laura B. Hoguet, my partner, mentor and friend. Our firm has long provided flexibility in work hours for our
lawyers and assistants, perhaps due in part to the fact that
How are the business and profession of law changing, and we are a women-owned firm that has always been aware that
how should lawyers adapt for the future? I think firms need different lawyers have different needs. Since the COVID-19
to adapt to the diminished importance of brick-and-mortar pandemic struck, we have extended that flexibility to work
offices, which the pandemic only accelerated. Our newer law- locations and workdays as well.
yers want, and expect, flexibility in where they work. The
collegiality and camaraderie offered by working together in What is the best advice for someone considering a career
our office space are valuable but will need to be balanced in law, or someone already in the profession who is seek-
with the now apparent efficiency and personal benefits that ing to make a greater impact? Find an area that is of interest
working remotely can afford. We must come to grips with the to you. Develop your expertise in that area and promote it
fact that things are changing, and that the next generation relentlessly.
Photo: Hoguet Newman | October 2021 67