Page 62 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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           What is the best advice for someone considering a career   no better profession to join than the legal profession. If you
           in law, or someone already in the profession who is   are already a member of this great profession, please take
           seeking to make a greater impact? The legal profession    advantage of the exceptional opportunities available and help
           provides fantastic opportunities to fight for and defend the   make the change that our society needs.
           rights of the underprivileged and those from marginalized   Remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are
           communities.                                      part of the problem. Standing idly by on the sidelines is no
             If you would like to make a difference in society, there is   longer an option.

                                                             What are some of your proudest recent achievements?
                                                               I         achieved for my clients all over the world in
                                                                         am particularly proud of the outcomes I have

                                                                         high stakes disputes. Over the past several
                                                                         months, I successfully defended a European
                                                                         pharmaceutical client against breach of con-
                                                                         tract claims in an arbitration arising out of a bil-
                                                                         lion-dollar drug collaboration. I obtained a $300
                                                             million award on behalf of a Philippines gaming entity cut out
                                                             of a casino development. And, finally, in a billion-dollar uranium
                                                             supply dispute arising out of the Fukushima nuclear disaster,
                                                             I defended my client—a Japanese nuclear power operator—
                                                             against 96% of damages sought by the counter-party. These vic-
                                                             tories in these diverse disputes make the hard work worthwhile.
                                                             Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you.
                                                             I had the great honor of collaborating with the Honorable
                                                             Judith Kaye while she was Chair of the New York International
                                                             Arbitration Centre. She was a tremendous role model for female
                                                             lawyers: from her signature red heels, to her unparalleled
                                                             judicial career, to her second-act spearheading the found-
                                                             ing of NYIAC after her retirement from the bench. She never
                                                             wasted a moment.

                                                             How are the business and profession of law changing, and
                                                             how should lawyers adapt for the future? Over my career,
                                                             I have had the pleasure of witnessing the growth of women
                                                             lawyers practicing at the top of their fields. When I first began
           HAGIT                                             practicing law, there were maybe two or three women lawyers
                                                             practicing international arbitration at the highest echelons of
                                                             law firms. Now I count at least 20 women international arbi-
           MURIEL                                            tration partners in New York alone as friends. It’s a welcome
                                                             development that will only continue.
           ELUL                                              What is the best advice for someone considering a career
                                                             in law, or someone already in the profession who is seek-
                                                             ing to make a greater impact? It may be cliché, but follow
           Partner at Hughes Hubbard & Reed                  your passion. Passion for your practice area will drive you to
                                                             put in the effort required to get great results for your clients,
                                                             develop deep collaborations in the legal community and give
                                                             you a rich and rewarding career.

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