Page 72 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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                                                             DEI teams in our offices around the globe to discuss issues,
                                                             advance our support of the professional development and
                                                             growth of our underrepresented minority attorneys and
                                                             professional staff, and educate our colleagues on issues of
                                                             race and social justice. Under the guidance of our amazing
                                                             leader, Melique Jones, we are sponsoring thought-provoking
                                                             discussions with DEI leaders beyond Skadden that help us
                                                             both to celebrate our firm’s incredible diversity and to raise
                                                             our professionals’ awareness of the challenges and inequities
                                                             faced by some of our colleagues. Our ability to share these
                                                             important exchanges across offices and in real time through
                                                             remote technology has provided a new sense of our truly
                                                             being “one firm,” a “silver lining” if one could be found in this
                                                             very challenging time resulting from COVID-19.

                                                             Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired
                                                             you. My former colleague and amazing friend, Stu Finkel-
                                                             stein, who passed away tragically a few years ago. Stu was
                                                             the leader of our tax department in New York, but he was so
                                                             much more. He was incredibly kind and inclusive to everyone
                                                             in the firm, whether you were a partner or a member of the
                                                             cafeteria staff. He was a gifted attorney and a zealous advo-
                                                             cate for his clients, both those that paid and those from Legal
                                                             Aid’s Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic, where he spearheaded
                                                             our department’s pro bono efforts. Stu’s kindness and gen-
                                                             erosity didn’t stop at Skadden—it was incredible how many
                                                             family members, friends, colleagues and clients spoke at his
                                                             memorial service about how Stu had touched their lives. His
                                                             memory inspires me to try to do more each and every day.
           SALLY                                             How are the business and profession of law changing,

           THURSTON                                          and how should lawyers adapt for the future? Clients are
                                                             expecting, and increasingly demanding, that a diverse group
                                                             of attorneys advise and work on their behalf. Law firms need
                                                             to make sure that their culture supports the development and
           Partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate,                  experiences of attorneys from diverse backgrounds, not only
                                                             to meet client’s expectations but also to continue providing
           Meagher & Flom                                    the best legal advice.

                                                             What is the best advice for someone considering a career
                                                             in law, or someone already in the profession who is seek-
           What are some of your proudest recent achievements?  ing to make a greater impact? Believe in yourself; advocate
                                                             for yourself. Be open to differing viewpoints, and use them as
            I         serve as Global Co-Chair of Skadden’s Diver-  a team toward a common goal. Above all, be kind and treat
                      sity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI) with
                                                             others as you expect to be treated.
                      my colleagues Stephen Robinson and Brian
                      Breheny, and I’m most proud of the firm’s DEI
                      efforts over the last year. Skadden has always
                      had a strong culture that supports lawyers
                      from all backgrounds but George Floyd’s kill-
           ing and the protests that followed provided a new sense of
           purpose and inspired us to do even more. Since the summer,
           we’ve meet weekly or biweekly with the leaders of Skadden’s

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