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                                                             engaged in the process of growing our client relationships
                                                             alongside our new partners.

                                                             Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you?
                                                             Two lawyers have been invaluable mentors. Throughout his
                                                             career, Jon Kibbe has been a strong promoter of women as
                                                             leaders and taken an active interest in guiding and support-
                                                             ing multiple women lawyers through leadership positions at
                                                             Richards Kibbe & Orbe. I’m grateful I was able to experience
                                                             the many opportunities he provided for professional growth,
                                                             with the added benefit of his experience. Lisa Opoku was my
                                                             formal mentor at RK&O and is now a partner at Goldman
                                                             Sachs. She’s a tireless champion for women and people of
                                                             color. Lisa has used her position and influence to promote
                                                             diversity, and has been a fierce advocate and sponsor who
                                                             has always inspired me and everyone she encounters. One
                                                             of the most enduring memories in my career is interviewing
                                                             Lisa as part of an RK&O-led women’s networking event. She
                                                             so inspired and captivated the audience with her honesty and
                                                             enthusiasm that a group of attendees committed that night
                                                             to create a women’s committee at the Loan Syndications and
                                                             Trading Association to promote the interests and careers of
                                                             female attorneys in our industry. I’m so thankful to Jon and
                                                             Lisa for their guidance and support over the course of my
                                                             career, and humbled to recognize how many others each of
                                                             them has supported.
                                                             How are the business and profession of law changing,
                                                             and how should lawyers adapt for the future? Corporate
           JENNIFER                                          law and the complexity of a transactional practice, including
                                                             regulatory concerns and other risks facing clients, are rapidly
           GRADY                                             evolving. Lawyers and firms must be nimble and devoted to
                                                             following clients to new spaces and expanding their ability
                                                             to meet clients’ changing legal needs.
                                                               Additionally, law firms are increasingly unafraid to pur-
           Partner at Crowell & Moring                       sue diversity as a primary business goal. Clients are keenly
                                                             focused on improving diversity and expect the same from
                                                             their service providers. The legal industry has redoubled its
                                                             efforts to expand diversity and embrace inclusion. Diversity
           What are some of your proudest recent achievements?   is now recognized not just as the right thing to do, but also
                                                             as a method of improving a firm’s ability to develop business.
           M            y proudest recent achievement is leading   of office space. Firms discovered people can be effective
                                                               Finally, in a post-pandemic world, there is a re-thinking
                        our team through the completion of a suc-
                                                             while working remotely, and such arrangements will now be
                        cessful combination with Crowell & Moring.
                        Like many businesses, Kibbe & Orbe faced
                        a difficult and uncertain pandemic year. We   tolerated more than they traditionally have been. High-end
                                                             office space, historically a hallmark of an elite law firm, may
                        had to work together to address challenge   increasingly be viewed as more of a hindrance to adaptability
                        after challenge. I assembled a talented and   and business success.
           supportive team to help me guide our partners through the
           difficulties we face in 2020 and the arduous process of select-  What is the best advice for someone considering a career
           ing the right law firm combination partner. I’m grateful to so   in law, or someone already in the profession who is seeking
           many for the assistance I received throughout this process   to make a greater impact? Experience as much as you can.
           and am excited to see our team fully integrated here and   Don’t be afraid to take risks or venture outside of  »  Page 109

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