Page 59 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 59




           Partner at Kirkland & Ellis

           What are some of your proudest recent achievements?
          M             y proudest achievements have been in

                        cases where we were able to mobilize
                        multidisciplinary and often worldwide
                        teams to litigate complex disputes
                        involving issues that at first impression
                        seemed inconsistent and incompatible.
                        One example is a series of cases for Sam-
           sung against Ericsson that were litigated multiple times
           over many years. Each iteration of the cases and trials built
           on previous disputes, and became increasingly complex
           and multidimensional.
             Many of the cases involved balancing conflicting
           themes, such as attacking and defending patents and
           invention stories for technology adopted in the same com-   team. To always take ownership and responsibility proac-
           munications standards, harmonizing conflicting behavior   tively. To never lose sight of quality and creativity. And to
           of the parties over many years to address antitrust,   focus on helping everyone on the team to achieve the goals
           competition, tort and equitable claims and defenses,   together.
           and balancing the legal themes and evidence needed
           for cases in legal systems around the globe with sig-  How are the business and profession of law changing,
           nificantly different rules and requirements while pre-  and how should lawyers adapt for the future? Technol-
           serving a consistent thematic approach for the overall     ogy has been changing law for many years, and the pace
           dispute.                                          of change is accelerating rapidly. Many of these changes
                                                             have the potential to be good and bad at the same time.
             Another example is a district court trial where we defeat-
 DISTINGUISHED    ed claims of infringement and proved invalidity on multiple   For example, the phenomenal advancements in com-
                                                             munications have allowed lawyers unprecedented free-
           communications patents for a series of defendants from
           around the globe. Each defendant had its own story, his-
                                                             dom to manage their time and increase efficiency with-
 LEADERS   tory and products, but because they were all tried before   out having to be in the office all the time. At the same
           a single jury we needed to weave together a single story
                                                             time, being reachable at any time of the day or night
                                                             has blurred the boundaries between work and personal
           with a consistent theme that worked for all the witnesses
           and parties.
                                                               In the future, advanced software and artificial intelligence
           Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you.    has the potential to replace many of the least enjoyable or
           My father. As a first generation American, and the first   intellectually challenging aspects of practicing law, but at
           generation in our family with access to higher educa-  the same time could deprive lawyers the opportunity to
           tion, he believed anything was possible with hard work,   develop solid foundational skills.
           perseverance and humanity. He wasn’t a lawyer, but he   Regardless of the particular technology, lawyers at all
           taught me to lead based on core values and principles.   levels of seniority at both outside firms and clients need to
           That the best way to lead, is to lead by example, expect-  work together to deploy technology for the betterment of
           ing as much or more from yourself as anyone else on the   the profession, to increase efficiency and the value of the

           Photo: Kirkland & Ellis                                                            |   October 2021   57
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