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CONNECTICUT OPINIONS                               JUNE 7, 2021  ■  37
        numerous strategies to hide and mischaracter- federal court declined to grant the requested
        ize his income in an attempt to affect the out- relief, plaintiff waited another year, then filed
        come of both the bankruptcy and the foreclo- the present action sounding in both conversion
        sure. Plaintiff’s bankruptcy action ultimately  and negligence to satisfy the judgment. Faraldi
        failed, as title had already vested via strict  moved for summary judgment, citing statute of
        foreclosure, and plaintiff filed a legal mal- limitations on all claims, and the court agreed.
        practice claim against defendant. Third party  The court found there was no continuing duty
        Coto was characterized by the court as a con  which could have tolled the statute of limita-
        man, whose advice was taken at the detriment  tions because, as the federal court found, there
        of plaintiff, however the court also noted the  was no duty on the part of the defendants to
        defendant’s loose manner of operating his  act.  The court granted  summary judgment  in
        law office and record keeping, and there was  favor of the defendants.
        never a formal agreement between plaintiff
        and defendant. The court was sympathetic to        MEDICAL MALPRACTICE •
        some of the defendant’s otherwise question-        CIVIL PROCEDURE
        able legal strategies, including deliberate non-
        filing and avoiding some written exchanges,
        however the court credited the testimony of        Plaintiff May Unilaterally Withdraw an
        one expert who opined that the failure of the  Offer to Compromise
        defendant to file some motions might have de-      CASE: Debarbieri v. Connecticut Orthopedic Specialists P.C.
        layed (but not completely prevented) the fore-     COURT: New Haven J.D. at New Haven
        closure. The court found defendant failed to       DOC. NO.: CV-19-6093220
        meet a standard of care or performance that        COURT OPINION BY: Wahla
        a reasonable attorney would have undertaken,       DATE: April 19, 2021 • PAGES: 8
        however the court found the plaintiff suffered     Plaintiff alleged that defendant, an orthope-
        no damages proximately caused by defendant,        dic  surgeon,  failed  to  properly identify  and
        since the bankruptcy and foreclosure ac-           treat his broken hip. Plaintiff filed an offer of
        tions were known to be unfounded. The court        compromise to settle his claim in the amount
        awarded damages for emotional distress and         of $375,000, but plaintiff subsequently with-
        compensation for the measured filing fee of        drew his offer. Defendant objected to the with-
        the bankruptcy claim to the plaintiff.             drawal, arguing plaintiff could not unilater-
                                                           ally withdraw his offer of compromise before
        LITIGATION                                         it  was accepted. The court disagreed,  finding
                                                           there was nothing in the General Statute that
        Conversion Claims not Tolled Where No              prescribed a period of time in which plaintiff

        Duty to Act                                        could not unilaterally withdraw an offer of
                                                           compromise. The court overruled defendant’s
        CASE: Pototschnig v. Faraldi                       objection to plaintiff’s withdrawal of his offer
        COURT: Waterbury J.D. at Waterbury                 to compromise.
        DOC. NO.: CV-15-5017149
        COURT OPINION BY: Gordon                           MOTOR VEHICLE TORTS • CIVIL PROCEDURE
        DATE: May 10, 2021 • PAGES: 16
        In 2010, defendant Faraldi had previously ob-      Court Grants Summary Judgment
        tained two civil judgments in New Jersey against
        plaintiff and codefendant Care Products Inc.,  Motion on Recklessness Claim
        wherein the court directed plaintiff to transfer   CASE: Lanuto v. Davis
        480,000 shares of Care Products stock to defen-    COURT: Danbury J.D. at Danbury
        dant Faraldi. Defendant Faraldi filed the judg- DOC. NO.: CV-19-6032110
        ments as foreign judgments in Connecticut, and  COURT OPINION BY: Brazzel-Massaro
        filed an application ordering plaintiff to transfer  DATE: May 12, 2021 • PAGES: 5
        the shares directly to Faraldi, rather than to a  A motorist, who was sued for recklessness for
        levying officer. Plaintiff never sought to modify  allegedly driving through a stop sign and hit-
        the turnover order, and instead filed a suit two  ting  another  motorist,  was  able  to  prove  that
        years later in federal court alleging conversion,  there was no evidence of recklessness.  In
        statutory  theft,  and  unjust  enrichment.  The  2017, the defendant, Nichole Davis, allegedly
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