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32  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                  CONNECTICUT OPINIONS

        SUPREME COURT                                      remanded the case. Plaintiffs argued that under
                                                           the  circumstances, the  trial  court  had jurisdic-
                                                           tion to consider the merits of their administrative
                                                           appeal even though they did not file the appeal
        CIVIL PROCEDURE •                                  within 45 days from the denial of their petition.
        ELECTION AND POLITICAL LAW                         They claimed that because the appeal was filed
                                                           within 45 days of the date on which defendant
        Court Held That Trial Court Had                    formally voted to deny the petition, the lower
        Jurisdiction to Hear Plaintiffs’                   court had jurisdiction.   The court agreed.  It
                                                           found that plaintiff’s petition was constructively
        Administrative Appeal                              denied by operation of law 25 days after its filing.
                                                           However, defendant took up plaintiffs’ petition
        CASE: Markley v. State Elections Enforcement Comm’n
        COURT: Connecticut Supreme Court                   for reconsideration at its special meeting twelve
        DOC. NO.: SC 20305                                 days later.  Therefore, under the very specific set
        COURT OPINION BY: Palmer                           of facts, the court held that it was appropriate to
        DATE: May 20, 2021 • PAGES: 12                     treat defendant’s action as a reconsideration of
        Defendant determined that plaintiffs, who were     its denial of the petition because that was what
        candidates for state elective office, had received   defendant itself held that action out to be.   The
        funding for their campaigns through the Citi-      court determined that the trial court had jurisdic-
        zens’ Election Program and had violated certain    tion to entertain plaintiffs’ appeal and remanded
        state election laws related to the program.  De-   for further proceedings.
        fendant  then imposed civil fines  for the viola-
        tions.  Plaintiffs filed a petition for reconsidera- NATIVE AMERICAN LAW
        tion, which provided that an agency’s failure to
        decide whether to reconsider a decision within 25  Lower Court’s Judgment Reversed
        days of the filing of the petition will constitute a   in Part in Tribal Sovereign Immunity
        denial of the petition.  Shortly after the 25-day
        period had elapsed without a decision by defen- Lawsuit
        dant, the matter of the petition appeared on the   CASE: Great Plains Lending LLC v. Dep’t. of Banking
        agenda of an upcoming special meeting.  After      COURT: Connecticut Supreme Court
        that special meeting, defendant notified plaintiffs  DOC. NO.: SC 20340
        that their petition had been considered at a spe- COURT OPINION BY: Robinson
        cial meeting and denied.  Plaintiffs appealed to  DATE: May 20, 2021 • PAGES: 30
        the lower court, which dismissed the appeal as  Great Plains Lending was created pursuant to
        untimely.  Plaintiffs appealed again, claiming that  the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians Limited
        their administrative appeal was timely filed.  The  Liability Company Act in 2011.  John Shot-
        court reversed the judgment of the trial court and  ton, chairman of the Otoe-Missouria Tribe of
           Law Tribune
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