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38  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                  CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        drove through a stop sign and hit the plaintiff,  In count 1, plaintiff claimed that defendant bar
        Genevieve Lanuto, on her passenger door caus- served Rutledge alcohol while he was intoxi-
        ing Lanuto injuries. Lanuto later brought suit  cated. The court denied summary judgment on
        against Davis, alleging negligence and reckless  this count because Rutledge testified that he had
        disregard for the safety of others. Davis moved  been served alcohol when already intoxicated.
        for summary judgment against Lanuto on the  In the second count, plaintiff alleged that de-
        recklessness claim, alleging that there was no  fendant negligently supervised a patron and vio-
        evidence that she was traveling at an excessive  lated its duty to protect patrons from harm. The
        or unreasonable speed, or operating her vehicle  court held that since the assault happened in the
        in any other way that was reckless. The court  parking lot, which was a municipal parking lot,
        agreed and granted summary judgment as to  defendant owed no duty to plaintiff once he left
        the reckless claim.                                the premises. The court held that the bar met its
                                                           burden of demonstrating an absence of a genu-
        PERSONAL INJURY                                    ine issue of material fact and granted summary
                                                           judgment to the defendant on count 2.
        Emotional Distress Claim Stricken
        Where Harm Unforeseeable                           PERSONAL INJURY • GOVERNMENT
        CASE: Jones v. Bertucci’s Rest. Corp.              Employees of School Board are
        COURT: New Britain J.D.                            Agents of City
        DOC. NO.: CV-20-6062715
        COURT OPINION BY: Wiese                            CASE: Allister v. Labombard
        DATE: May 11, 2021 • PAGES: 6                      COURT: New Britain J.D.
        Plaintiffs purchased lasagna from defendant  DOC. NO.: CV-19-6053097
        restaurant, they saw a sheet of plastic in the  COURT OPINION BY: Shortall
        middle of the lasagna and returned it to the  DATE: May 06, 2021 • PAGES: 18
        restaurant. Plaintiffs brought a claim of neg- Plaintiff Keegan Allister was a student in a
        ligent infliction of emotional distress and a  high school biology student when he was in-
        products liability action against the defendant,  jured by another student. That student “had a
        and defendant moved to strike. The court  recent history of violence when he was upset or
        noted that plaintiffs did not ever attempt to  agitated by events at school;” the student as-
        eat the plastic, and found plaintiffs’ reaction  saulted minor plaintiff was asked by his teach-
        to seeing the plastic was unreasonable. The  er to put his cell phone away. Plaintiff’s mother
        court further found the alleged harm was un- filed suit, asserting that the teacher failed to ap-
        foreseeable by defendant, and further found  propriately supervise his students and that the
        there was no legally cognizable claim for by- school board failed to hire a teacher who could
        stander emotional distress. The court granted  safely conduct a biology class. The defendants
        defendant’s motion to strike.                      sought summary judgment, asserting that they
                                                           were immune from suit. Plaintiffs objected, ar-
        No Violation of Dram Shop Act When                 guing that there were genuine issues of material
        Assault Happens Off-Premises                       fact affecting whether defendants were entitled
                                                           to governmental immunity. School policy pro-
        CASE: Clark v. Center Three, LLC                   hibited student using cell phones during class
        COURT: New Britain J.D.                            and directed teachers to tell students to put
        DOC. NO.: CV-20-6045970                            them away. The court found that the teacher
        COURT OPINION BY: Wiese                            fulfilled his duty and used discretion in deter-
        DATE: April 30, 2021 • PAGES: 9                    mining how to carry out his duty. Yet, his im-
        Plaintiff was a patron at a bar. Defendant Rut- munity was subject to protecting an identifi-
        ledge physically assaulted him. Plaintiff brought  able person from imminent harm. However, the
        suit against both the bar and the assaulter, ar- court was not able to determine whether the
        guing that Rutledge assaulted him because he  teacher should have been aware of the student’s
        had too much to drink and that the bar had  violent history. Because a reasonable jury could
        a duty to stop serving him. Defendant Center  have found that the student was an imminent
        Three argued that it had not violated the Dram  risk, the court denied summary judgment as to
        Shop Act and moved for summary judgment.  the teacher. The court also denied the motions
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