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36  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                  CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        so as to avoid potential further embarrassment  Plaintiff is a law firm that represented defen-
        for the minor children involved. In balancing the  dants. There was an agreement for legal services
        interests of the parties with the public interest  which was scanned into the computer but was
        in the action, the court denied the motion. The  lost during a computer crash. Defendant ar-
        court  noted  that  the  parties  had  already  made  gued that plaintiff would not be paid unless de-
        themselves known to the public via social media  fendant was awarded money by court and that
        posts, and that the public’s interest in hate speech  plaintiff’s fee would be limited to the amount
        outweighed the minors’ privacy interests.          awarded. Plaintiff asserted that this was un-
                                                           true, and the court agreed, citing invoices pe-
        EMPLOYMENT LITIGATION • CONTRACTS                  riodically sent to defendant. The court agreed
                                                           with plaintiff that because defendants never
        Employment Contract Subject to                     disputed the invoices, this suggested that de-
                                                           fendants never believed plaintiff ought to limit
        Updated Term Modifications                         his fees to what was awarded. Plaintiff brought
                                                           suit, alleging breach of contract, unjust enrich-
        CASE: Bolek v. Town of Brookfield
        COURT: Litchfield J.D. at Torrington               ment, and quantum meruit. The court agreed
        DOC. NO.: CV-16-6014491                            that there was a contract given the presence
        COURT OPINION BY: Shaban                           and acceptance of the invoices, and that the
        DATE: April 19, 2021 • PAGES: 13                   contract was breached. The court awarded
        Plaintiff,  former  employee  of  defendant,  filed  plaintiff $21,401.26. Because the court found
        a complaint of breach of contract against de- that there was a contract, it held it would be in-
        fendant relative to payment of pension benefits.  appropriate to find for the quantum meruit and
        Parties  entered  into  a  Separation  Agreement  unjust enrichment counts. Defendants filed a
        where plaintiff agreed to resign from employ- counterclaim with three counts. While they ar-
        ment but would receive benefits under town pen- gued that their attorney improperly withheld
        sion plan. Plaintiff received benefits; however,  money, the court found that the allegations
        defendant discovered it had overpaid plaintiff.  were not true. The second count alleged that
        This was because the updated version of the  plaintiff engaged in oppressive and wanton
        employment contract stipulated that employ- conduct. Similarly, the court sided with plain-
        ees who retired before age 62 would receive re- tiffs, arguing that plaintiff had appropriately
        duced benefits. Plaintiff argued that this was a  attempted to collect fees due to him. Finally,
        breach of contract. Defendant moved for sum- defendants accused plaintiff of trying to extort
        mary  judgment.  The  court  found  that  the  up- money, which the court termed “outrageous.”
        dated contract was approved by the town board  This count was also dismissed.
        and the terms were applicable to earlier versions
        of the contract. Furthermore, the court noted      LEGAL MALPRACTICE •
        that the agreement stated that defendant would     BANKRUPTCY • DAMAGES
        seek to have employees retire after age 62 but
        was not compelled to. As such, the court held
        that  defendant was  justified  in attempting  to  Court Awards Emotional Distress
        recover overpayments. The court granted sum-       Damages in Legal Malpractice Claim
        mary judgment since plaintiff failed to meet his
        burden of proof.                                   CASE: Valera v. Liga
                                                           COURT: Stamford/Norwalk J.D. at Stamford
                                                           DOC. NO.: CV-17-6031271
        LAW FIRM CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS •                    COURT OPINION BY: Povodator
        CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES                               DATE: April 19, 2021 • PAGES: 59
                                                           Defendant, an attorney, was hired by plain-
        Attempting to Collect Owed Legal Fees              tiff through the advice of a third party, Coto,
        Was Not Extortion                                  to represent plaintiff in a bankruptcy ac-
                                                           tion in an attempt to prevent a foreclosure.
        CASE: Terk & Carlone LLC v. Saporoso               Defendant felt the bankruptcy action would
        COURT: New Britain J.D.                            not  be  successful  and  did  not  perceive  his
        DOC. NO.: CV-18-6046073                            role as representing the plaintiff for foreclo-
        COURT OPINION BY: Aurigemma                        sure, however defendant pursued the claim at
        DATE: May 10, 2021 • PAGES: 8                      the insistence of plaintiff, and plaintiff tried
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