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CONNECTICUT OPINIONS                               JUNE 7, 2021  ■  35
        CIVIL PROCEDURE •                                  claim stemming from a car accident.  Under that
        CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES                               agreement,  defendant  was  to  receive the  settle-
                                                           ment proceeds over a period of years.  Defendant
        Motion to Dismiss for Forum Selection              had already received some payment pursuant to
                                                           the agreement and was scheduled to receive ad-
        Clause Denied Where Terms Not                      ditional payments totaling $33,300.  Plaintiff
        Effectively Communicated                           filed an application for a declaratory judgment
                                                           seeking court approval of the transfer of a struc-
        CASE: Leach v. Int’l Van Lines, Inc.               tured settlement payment worth $31,326.58 from
        COURT: Tolland J.D. at Rockville                   defendant.  The court found that under the law,
        DOC. NO.: CV-21-5014573                            the current proposal was in the best of interest of
        COURT OPINION BY: Sicilian                         defendant taking into account her welfare.  She
        DATE: May 10, 2021 • PAGES: 11                     was advised in writing by the transferee to seek
        Plaintiff hired defendant to assist her in moving   independent professional advice regarding the
        personal property from her home in Colorado        transfer and either received the advice or know-
        to a new residence in Connecticut, and signed      ingly waived the advice in writing.  There was no
        a “binding estimate” for a price of $5,568, but    evidence that the transfer contravened any appli-
        plaintiff was ultimately charged over $10,000      cable statute or the order of any court or other
        based on the defendant’s assertion that the vol-   governmental authority.  Therefore, the court
        ume of property moved was larger than what the     granted plaintiff’s application.
        estimate was based on. The document included
        a price-per-cubic foot of volume calculation of    DISCOVERY • PRIVACY
        the charged rate, at $6.01 per cubic foot. Plaintiff
        was informed of the increase in the estimate prior
        to the move. Plaintiff was informed that if she    Motion to Seal Denied Where Minor
        refused to sign the move would not be completed,   Student Accused of Racism
        so plaintiff concluded she had no choice but to    CASE: Doe v. Hopkins School
        sign because new occupants were scheduled to       COURT: New Haven New Haven
        move into the property she was leaving. Plaintiff   DOC. NO.: CV-21-6110316
        brought a claim to recover, and defendant moved    COURT OPINION BY: Wilson
        to dismiss because the provisions in the docu-     DATE: May 14, 2021 • PAGES: 16
        ments required disputes to be litigated in Flor-   Plaintiff’s minor son, who was previously diag-
        ida. The court noted that the plaintiff was pre-   nosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Dis-
        sented with multiple “estimate” documents, some    order, was enrolled to attend classes at defendant
        of which contained a forum selection clause and    day school. After starting classes, the minor son
        some of which did not. The court found that the    became involved with a third party Roe. Roe and
        defendant failed to effectively communicate the    the minor son had a falling out, and Roe began
        terms to the plaintiff, and exercised their benefit   accusing the minor son of making racially dis-
        in an extreme disparity of bargaining power. As    paraging remarks through social media. Wit-
        such, the court declined to exercise their discre-  nesses asserted that Roe began recruiting other
        tion to require the plaintiff seek redress in Flori-  students to accuse the minor son of racism, in an
        da, and denied the defendant’s motion.             attempt to get him expelled from the school. The
                                                           school began conducting an investigation into the
        DEALS AND TRANSACTIONS                             minor son’s use of racial slurs on campus, while
                                                           the son’s parents and family combatted the alle-
        Court Granted Application for a                    gations as a “witch hunt” and an incident of bul-
        Declaratory Judgment                               lying perpetrated by Roe. Ultimately, the minor
                                                           son was expelled from the school and the school
        CASE: VIS-10N, LLC v. Sheldon                      requested tuition for the semester. The defendant
        COURT: Litchfield J.D. at Torrington               school also refused to release the minor student’s
        DOC. NO.: CV-21-6027775                            transcripts. Plaintiff brought claims against de-
        COURT OPINION BY: Shaban                           fendant for breach of contract, good faith and
        DATE: May 14, 2021 • PAGES: 6                      fair dealings, negligence, reckless or wanton mis-
        Defendant had previously entered into a settle- conduct, and emotional distress. Plaintiff moved
        ment agreement to resolve a personal injury  for an order to seal and proceed anonymously
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