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CONNECTICUT OPINIONS                               JUNE 7, 2021  ■  41
        describing four prior sexual misconduct cases  Kemper’s expert witness demanded that plain-
        against Yale as well as information related to  tiff pay a $3,000 fee regardless of the duration
        sexual harassment amongst Yale students. While  of the deposition and refused to appear absent
        the court recognized that this information may  prepayment. After Kemper refused to explain
        be germane to Yale’s culture, there was no re- the basis for the fee, Hobson moved to deter-
        lationship to the plaintiff’s allegations and thus  mine the reasonableness of the expert fees, and
        the information had to be stricken.                 the court agreed that Kemper’s demands were
                                                            unreasonable and ordered the expert to appear
        EXPERT WITNESSES • FEE DISPUTES •                   and present a bill after the deposition.
                                                            INSURANCE LITIGATION • MASS TORTS
        Homeowner Able To Show Expert                       Class Action Certification Denied in
        Witness Prepayment Flat Fee                         Insurance Fraud Case
                                                            CASE: Negron v. Cigna Health & Life Ins. Co.
        CASE: Hobson v. Kemper Independence Ins. Co.        COURT: U.S. District Court for Connecticut
        COURT: U.S. District Court for Connecticut          DOC. NO.: 3:16-cv-01702
        DOC. NO.: 3:20-CV-00812                             COURT OPINION BY: Meyer
        COURT OPINION BY: Merriam                           DATE: May 20, 2021 • PAGES: 51
        DATE: May 26, 2021 • PAGES: 11                      A group of individuals, who sought class action
        A homeowner, who was informed by her insur- certification in relation to an alleged fraudulent
        ance company that the insurance company’s  scheme by an insurance company, was unable to
        expert witness would refuse to be deposed  prove to that there were questions of common
        until after prepayment of $3,000, was able to  fact and law. The plaintiffs, a group of individuals
        show that this was an unreasonable request. In  using prescription drug plans by defendant Cigna
        May 2018, the home of the plaintiff, Deanne  Health and Life Insurance Company, alleged that
        Hobson, was severely damaged during a storm  all Cigna plans resulted in an overcharge by the
        and she requested that her insurance company,  pharmacies as part of a conspiracy to obtain high-
        Kemper Independence Insurance Company,  er  amounts.  The  plaintiffs  moved  to  certify  two
        cover the damages per her policy. After an in- classes, a class under the Employee Retirement
        spection of the damage, Kemper estimated re- Income Security Act and a class under the Rack-
        pairs at approximately $79,000, significantly  eteer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
        less than the approximately $234,000 Hobson  The court denied the certification, ruling that the
        alleged was necessary. After filing suit, Hob- issue of whether any liability of Cigna cannot be
        son and Kemper engaged in discovery, whereby  adjudged on a massive class-wide basis.

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