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                                            felt by the surrounding community for   retail businesses with fewer customers,
                                            years to come as these unique tenants   and landlords with fewer tenants. And
                                            open up and become local fixtures. It   limits on construction materials made
                                            is a microcosm of the economic revival   construction projects on new retail
                                            we will surely see in New York over the   spaces very costly. Collectively, these
                                            coming years.                    challenges made it very difficult for
                                                                             landlords and retail tenants to operate,
                                            What qualities make a great dealmak-  let alone come to terms and execute a
                                            er? In consummating deals that contain   new deal.
                                            many different rights, responsibilities
                                            and real world repercussions, a great   A prospective client calls and asks why
                                            dealmaker must be able to quickly for-  you or your team should be retained.
                                            mulate compromises. Legal precedent   What is your response? Having spent
                                            and industry norms offer parameters   the past 10 years managing properties
                GEOFFREY WEG,               to consider, but most instructive is   in New York City, I have a well-rounded
                                            the dealmaker’s common sense as to   view of the issues that landlords and
             MANAGING MEMBER,               what is fair and their ability to under-  their tenants face in practice, of which
                                            stand what is most important for each     there are many. This knowledge helps
            WEG PROPERTY GROUP              party.                           me structure and negotiate thorough
                                                                             agreements, and to have a holistic view
           Q&A      What were some of your   What recent market factors have been   of the broad array of the legal, compli-
                                                                             ance and practical matters that land-
                    most satisfying successes
                                            the most challenging in your practice
           of the past year, and why? The set of   area? The COVID-19 pandemic intro-  lords and tenants contend with on a
           three retail deals described in the essay   duced unprecedented challenges to   daily basis. Beyond this base level of
           was one of my more satisfying successes   the retail sector in New York. Govern-  knowledge and experience, I have an
           of the past year. In a market that had   ment mandates and civil unrest either   aggressive yet collegial and constructive
           been ravaged by retail vacancies, it was   forced businesses to close entirely,   approach to handling matters, with an
           an honor to spearhead multiple deals   or severely restricted their ability to   eye towards having a smooth and enjoy-
           in such a concentrated area—a Manhat-  service customers. Many residents   able process, where your rights will be
           tan block. The effects will hopefully be   left certain areas of New York, leaving   protected.

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