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CONNECTICUT OPINIONS                              JUNE 28, 2021  ■  27
        the arbitrator erred in interpreting the contract.  A healthcare system, that was sued for disability
        Plaintiff also sought to vacate the award because  discrimination and failure to accommodate,
        it was not represented by counsel at the arbitra- failed to show that there  were  no  genuine is-
        tion. However, the court found that the parties  sues of material fact to justify summary judg-
        voluntarily went to arbitration without counsel,  ment. In 2011, the plaintiff began working for
        and there is no Connecticut authority establishing  Hartford Healthcare Corporation as a case
        that an award should be vacated if there is no legal  manager at Natchaug hospital, and in 2017,
        representation at arbitration. The court denied  she transferred to a new position at defendant’s
        plaintiff’s application to vacate, modify, or correct  Rushford  Center’s  location.  In  2018,  plaintiff
        the arbitration decision.                          was informed that her position was being elimi-
                                                           nated and she was terminated. Plaintiff argued
        EMPLOYMENT COMPLIANCE •                            that the termination was pretextual because
        DISPUTE RESOLUTION                                 of a medical condition that required that she
                                                           have periodic absences from her employment;
                                                           plaintiff received Family and Medical Act in-
        Arbitration Award Reinstating Police               termittent leave. After defendants moved for
        Officer Who Used Racist Slur Vacated               summary judgment, the court denied the mo-
                                                           tion, finding that the defendants failed to show
        CASE: City of Hartford v. Hartford Police Union
        COURT: Hartford J.D. at Hartford                   there were no genuine issues of material fact as
        DOC. NO.: CV-19-6112729                            to the reasons for the termination.
        COURT OPINION BY: Budzik
        DATE: June 02, 2021 • PAGES: 10                    LANDLORD TENANT LAW
        A Hartford police officer who was arrested for
        driving while intoxicated and interfering with po-  Court Denies Summary Judgment in
        lice used a racial slur when he was arrested. Dur-
        ing arbitration, the officer was reinstated; how-  Wrongful Eviction Action
        ever, the court vacated the arbitration award. A  CASE: Weitz v. Housing Auth. of the Town of Greenwich
        key reason that the award was vacated is because  COURT: Stamford/Norwalk J.D. at Stamford
        it violated the Cintron consent decree, where the  DOC. NO.: CV-17-5016622
        Hartford Police Department adopted a racial ep- COURT OPINION BY: Genuario
        ithet bulletin where officers were prohibited from  DATE: June 08, 2021 • PAGES: 8
        using various racial slurs, including the one that  Defendant in the present action, Greenwich
        the officer used. Defendant moved for reconsid- Housing Authority, acted as plaintiff in a sum-
        eration of the ruling, arguing that the consent de- mary process action against plaintiff Weitz, as
        cree’s statement was mere observation of histori- tenant, seeking to regain possession of the resi-
        cal fact. The court pointed out various instances,  dential premises rented by Weitz for noncompli-
        such as civilian complaint procedures, where de- ance with the lease. Housing Authority secured
        fendant had appealed to Cintron. Because those  a default judgment on the summary process ac-
        were not instances of observation of historical  tion and Weitz’s appeal was dismissed. Weitz
        fact, the court interpreted defendant’s intent to  was served notice of foreclosure and vacated the
        incorporate the provisions of those policies by  premises shortly thereafter. Subsequently, the
        reference to the consent decree and, thus, make  dismissal of the appeal was set aside, the appeal
        them enforceable. Therefore, the motion for re- was heard on the merits, and the appellate court
        consideration was denied.                          ordered the housing court to set aside the default
                                                           judgment, however because plaintiff Weitz had
        EMPLOYMENT LITIGATION                              already vacated the property no further action
                                                           took place. Weitz then brought the present ac-
        Employer Fails to Get Employee                     tion, sounding in emotional distress and wrong-
                                                           ful eviction, and the Housing Authority moved
        Discrimination Case Dismissed                      for summary judgment. The Housing Authority
        CASE: Diaz v. Hartford Healthcare Corp.            argued there was no evidence of intent, and that
        COURT: New London J.D. at New London               plaintiff should have brought a claim pursuant
        DOC. NO.: CV 19-6039282                            to General Statute §47a-43 for entry and detainer
        COURT OPINION BY: Knox                             rather than common law wrongful eviction. The
        DATE: June 09, 2021 • PAGES: 9                     court noted that the Housing Authority acted to
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