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CONNECTICUT OPINIONS                              JUNE 28, 2021  ■  29
        PERSONAL INJURY                                    emotional distress, and breach claims. On bailment,
                                                           defendant claimed there was no understanding or
        Motion for Summary Judgment Denied                 relationship of understanding related to the vehi-
        Where Ministerial Duties Not Formally              cle, while plaintiff argued the parties understood
                                                           the vehicle was only in defendant’s possession until
        Written as Directives                              after probate. The court agreed with defendant, and
                                                           found that the parties were disputing the ownership
        CASE: Prezioso v. City of New Haven                of the vehicle rather than their having an “under-
        COURT: New Haven J.D.                              standing” about bailment of the vehicle. The court
        DOC. NO.: CV-19-6092252                            further  agreed  with  defendant  that  Connecticut
        COURT OPINION BY: Blue                             does not recognize claims for unintentional emo-
        DATE: June 04, 2021 • PAGES: 4                     tional distress resulting in property damage alone,
        Plaintiff was attending his son’s little league base-  and plaintiff presented insufficient claims that de-
        ball game at a local park owned and operated by    fendant acted intentionally. The court granted the
        the defendant city. Plaintiff was walking along    defendant’s motions to strike.
        the bleachers to the field when he stepped on a
        bottom bleacher seat which was not properly at-    PERSONAL INJURY • DAMAGES
        tached,  causing  him  to  fall  and  suffer  injuries.
        Plaintiff brought a claim against the city alleg-
        ing negligence in failing to properly inspect the  Delivery Driver Awarded Damages
        bleachers, and the city moved for summary judg-    After Assault
        ment arguing they were entitled to governmental
        immunity. Although inspection of the bleachers     CASE: Keel v. Amadon
                                                           COURT: New Haven J.D. at New Haven
        was not a written ministerial duty for park work-  DOC. NO.: CV-196094290-S
        ers, the court credited the testimony of the park   COURT OPINION BY: Wilson
        employees in that inspection of the bleachers was   DATE: June 04, 2021 • PAGES: 13
        a ministerial duty expected of the employees. The   Plaintiff alleged defendant assaulted her; defen-
        court therefore found the question of whether or   dant filed an answer denying the material allega-
        not inspection of the bleachers was ministerial or   tions of the complaint and raising the special de-
        discretionary was a question for the fact finder,   fense of self-defense. Plaintiff was driving a FedEx
        and denied the motion for summary judgment.        truck; she parked in defendant’s driveway while
                                                           she was looking for directions. Defendant con-
        Motion to Strike Bailment Claim                    fronted her, ultimately slamming plaintiff’s truck
        Granted Where Possession of Vehicle                door into her nose and causing it to bleed. The de-
                                                           fendant alleges that plaintiff attacked him and he
        Remained in Dispute                                had to take her to the ground in order to defend
                                                           himself. The court found that plaintiff’s account
        CASE: Mulvey v. Trabka
        COURT: Fairfield J.D. at Bridgeport                of the events was more credible. Defendant’s ac-
        DOC. NO.: CV-20-609-8504                           tions were outrageous and unnecessary, the court
        COURT OPINION BY: Jacobs                           ruled, as plaintiff was merely trying to do her job.
        DATE: June 03, 2021 • PAGES: 13                    The court found that the defendant was 100% re-
        Plaintiff and defendant’s ex-husband John were in a   sponsible for the incident and awarded economic
        romantic relationship and plaintiff’s 1963 Corvette   and non-economic damages to plaintiff.
        was garaged at John’s home. Upon John’s death,
        defendant had the car towed to her home, assum- PERSONAL INJURY • MEDICAL MALPRACTICE
        ing that John’s son would inherit the car. Thirteen
        months after John’s death, the car was found to be  Negligence Claim Tolled Against
        owned by plaintiff by the Trumbull Probate Court,   Physician for Continuing Course of
        and was ordered back into the possession of plain-
        tiff. Upon receiving the vehicle, plaintiff discov- Conduct
        ered property damage to the car and commenced      CASE: O’Donnell v. Levesque
        an action against defendant for bailment, negli-   COURT: Waterbury J.D., Complex Litigation Docket
        gence, emotional distress, and breach of fiduciary  DOC. NO.: CV-17-6045271
        duty and a Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act  COURT OPINION BY: Bellis
        claim. Defendant moved to strike the bailment,  DATE: June 04, 2021 • PAGES: 8
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