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28  ■  JUNE 28, 2021                 CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        have the plaintiff evicted at a time period after  Plaintiff’s decedent was in a car crash and was
        the dismissal of the appeal during which such  treated at Yale New Haven Hospital. Defen-
        action was still prohibited. As such, the court  dant was allegedly negligent, resulting in the
        found there was a genuine issue of material fact  decedent’s demise, and plaintiff sought dam-
        as to whether plaintiff was wrongfully evicted.  ages. Defendants alleged that the death was
        The court denied summary judgment.                 caused by the driver who crashed into the de-
                                                           cedent’s tractor, and filed an apportionment
        LEGAL ETHICS AND ATTORNEY DISCIPLINE               claim. Plaintiff moved to dismiss the appor-
                                                           tionment complaint for either lack of subject
        Motion for Disqualification Granted                matter jurisdiction, or failure to state a claim

        Where Defendant Attorney Had                       upon which relief could be granted. While
                                                           the court maintained that plaintiff should
        Previously Represented Codefendants                have filed a motion to strike rather than a
        in Subject Vexatious Litigation Action             motion to dismiss, since plaintiff’s argument
                                                           did not challenge subject matter jurisdiction,
        CASE: Papageorge v. Kryzanski                      it did consider plaintiff’s motion in terms of
        COURT: Fairfield J.D. at Bridgeport                whether the apportionment claim was prop-
        DOC. NO.: CV-21-610-3670                           erly asserted. Although no Connecticut ap-
        COURT OPINION BY: Jacobs                           pellate court specifically addressed whether
        DATE: June 04, 2021 • PAGES: 8                     damages incurred as a result of medical mal-
        Defendant homeowners hired plaintiff Papa-         practice can be apportioned against the neg-
        george to replace the roof on their residential    ligence that caused initial injury, this court
        property. Four years after the replacement,
        homeowners noticed the roof was leaking, how-      found that it could. The court held that the
        ever plaintiff asserted the leak was because of    defendant sufficiently alleged negligence
        the roof flashing and that he was not respon-      against the other driver. Therefore, it denied
        sible for the leak. Defendant homeowners en-       plaintiff’s motion to dismiss the apportion-
        gaged defendant/attorney Krysanski to bring a      ment claim.
        claim against Papageorge for violations of the
        Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act. Judg- MOTOR VEHICLE TORTS • DAMAGES
        ment was entered in favor of Papageorge on the
        counts, and Papageorge brought the present ac-     Economic and Non-Economic Damages
        tion against the homeowners and the attorney
        for vexatious litigation. Krysanski was set to     Awarded in Accident Case
        represent  defendant  homeowners  in  the  vexa- CASE: Bonilla v. Theroux
        tious litigation claim, and plaintiff Papageorge  COURT: Hartford J.D. at Hartford
        moved to disqualify Krysanski from representa- DOC. NO.: CV-19-6115595
        tion pursuant to Rule 1.7 of the Rules of Pro- COURT OPINION BY: Scholl
        fessional Conduct. The court found the action  DATE: June 03, 2021 • PAGES: 4
        against the homeowners included decisions re- A driver, who was injured in an accident by
        lated to their trial strategy and choice of wit- another driver’s negligent driving, was able to
        nesses, and therefore granted disqualification in  win both economic and non-economic dam-
        favor of plaintiff Papageorge.                     ages at trial. In 2018, the plaintiff, Olga Bonil-
                                                           la, was driving when the defendant, Nicholas
        MEDICAL MALPRACTICE • CIVIL                        Theroux, operating the vehicle of defendant
        PROCEDURE • DAMAGES                                Joseph  Theroux,  changed  into  her lane and
                                                           struck her vehicle causing damages. As the
        Motion to Dismiss Apportionment                    defendants admitted liability, the trial pro-
                                                           ceeded solely on the basis of what injuries Bo-
        Claim Denied in Negligence Case                    nilla sustained. At trial, Bonilla claimed she

        CASE: Logue v. Yale Univ.                          incurred $6,703.45 in medical bills as a result
        COURT: New Haven J.D. at New Haven                 of the accident, which the court found cred-
        DOC. NO.: CV-20-6105201                            ible. The court also ordered defendants to pay
        COURT OPINION BY: Kamp                             $5,000 in non-economic damages for a total
        DATE: June 02, 2021 • PAGES: 9                     award of $11,703.45.
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