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32  ■  JUNE 28, 2021                 CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        would reimburse her for the purchase. Defendant  A credit card company that was sued, inter alia,
        instead used the funds to purchase the property  for wrongful death after a longtime customer’s
        in his own name and the name of a legal entity  spouse committed suicide, was able to get that
        owned by defendant, and had no intention to  count stricken from the complaint. The defen-
        ever reimburse plaintiff for the purchase. Plain- dant, Roger Roosendahl, was a long-time high
        tiff  brought  multiple  counts  against  defendant,  paying customer of plaintiff American Express
        including breach of oral contract, statutory theft,  from 1973 until 2017. In 2016, defendant lost
        conversion, and fraudulent conveyance. Plaintiff  his job and could not afford to pay his nearly
        won on default judgment, where defendant failed  $100,000 American Express bill. Thereafter,
        to appeal. However, in an attempt to avoid a wind- plaintiff hired third party defendant Alltran to
        fall in favor of plaintiff, the court awarded only the  collect the debt. Defendant claimed that All-
        equitable relief of title to the subject property. The  tran acted in a hostile and aggressive manner,
        court found in favor of plaintiff, granted nominal  the stress of which caused Mrs. Roosendahl
        damages on the conversion and statutory theft  to commit suicide. After defendant filed suit
        claims, and awarded title and immediate posses- against plaintiff, the court struck his wrong-
        sion of the subject property to plaintiff.         ful death and related claims, but kept the fraud
                                                           and breach of contract claims.
                                                           FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
        Wife Wins Bench Trial In Vexatious                 COMMISSION
        Litigation Matter
        CASE: Ferri v. Powell-Ferri
        COURT: Hartford J.D., Complex Litigation Docket    PUBLIC RECORDS
        DOC. NO.: CV-16-6066432
        COURT OPINION BY: Schuman                          Police Department and Town of
        DATE: June 10, 2021 • PAGES: 11
        Defendant was sued by her ex-husband for com- Cromwell Did Not Violate FOI Act
        mon law and statutory vexatious litigation in re-  CASE: Schneider v. Chief, Police Dep’t, Town of Cromwell
        lation to a decades-long trust asset case. Defen-  COURT: Freedom of Information Commission
        dant Nancy Powell-Ferri moved to dissolve her      DOC. NO.: 2020-0139
        marriage to the plaintiff, Paul John Ferri, and the   COURT OPINION BY: Freedom of Information Commission
        parties were unable to resolve a dispute related to   DATE: June 09, 2021 • PAGES: 5
        a 1983 Trust valued between $60 million and $70    On March 10, 2020, complainant arrived at the
        million. In 2011, the trustees of the 1983 Trust   Cromwell Police Department and requested
        decanted all the assets of the trust to another    copies of audio and video records pertaining to
        trust. The overall matter, in which both parties   an incident that occurred on March 20, 2018.
        filed multiple suits against each other in relation  On March 10, 2020, respondent’s records clerk
        to the use and misuse of the trust, had already  phoned  complainant and told him that the
        been in front of the Connecticut Supreme Court  records could not be released because a nolle
        three times, the Appellate Court once, and the  prosequi had been entered in the criminal mat-
        Massachusetts  Judicial  Court  once.  The  court  ter and more than 13 months had elapsed from
        ruled in favor of defendant, noting that defen- such entry; therefore, the records were deleted.
        dant’s previous suit did not lack probable cause.  On March 16, 2020, complainant called re-
                                                           spondent police department and again request-
        WRONGFUL DEATH •                                   ed copies of the same records.  Then on March
        CREDITORS’ AND DEBTORS’ RIGHTS                     17, 2020, complainant requested via email that
                                                           respondents provide him with audio and video
                                                           showing the subject, any portion of the alleged
        Wrongful Death Claim Dismissed                     offense, and/or the investigation.  On March
        CASE: Am. Express Cent. Bank v. Roosendahl         19, 2020, complainant appealed to the Com-
        COURT: Stamford/Norwalk J.D. at Stamford           mission, alleging respondents violated the FOI
        DOC. NO.: CV-17-6033724                            Act by failing to provide him with copies of
        COURT OPINION BY: Povodator                        the requested records.  The Commission dis-
        DATE: June 07, 2021 • PAGES: 35                    missed his complaint. The Commission found
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