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22  ■  JUNE 28, 2021                           NEWS

        ■ From OPIOID on PAGE 21                           from accessing the court. We simply require what
        vaccines for jurors” but that courts could ask jurors  the CDC requires, and that is the masking and dis-
        about their vaccine status.                        tancing and sanitation. We’re handling it that way,
          “According to AO guidance, being vaccinated for  and it’s gone very, very smoothly.”
        COVID-19 is not a legal qualification for serving     In their opioid motion, the pharmacies cited
        on a jury,” a federal court spokesperson wrote in an  the Jury Selection and Service Act, which says all
        email. “The AO also has advised courts considering  citizens should be considered to serve on a jury, se-
        such a requirement to monitor whether it impacts  lected at random “from a fair cross section of the
        the ability to assemble a jury selected at random  community.” They noted that only 42.6% of Ohio’s
        from a fair cross section of the community.”       population was fully vaccinated. That means a sub-
          The federal judiciary, however, left the decision  stantial amount of the potential jurors would not be
        up to the individual districts, only some of which  vaccinated by the time they began jury selection in
        have issued guidelines specific to vaccines and jury  the opioid trial.
        service.                                              “Eliminating all those people would not only re-
          When the pharmacies asked Polster to reconsider  duce the size of the eligible jury pool, it would also
        his order, they cited the Northern District of Ohio’s  skew the pool in ways that would likely affect the
        juror selection plan and its general orders regarding  parties’ ability to pick a fair and impartial jury,” they
        a coronavirus phased-in recovery plan.             wrote.
          “As far as defendants can tell, a vaccination re-   In particular, the unvaccinated population tends
        quirement for jurors is not required by any statute,  to be men, Black and younger adults. There also is
        rule, or policy,” they wrote.                      “ample evidence,” they wrote, citing several news
          Some federal courts, however, have addressed the  articles, that vaccination was based on political and
        issue. The Southern District of New York, for in- social views, with the unvaccinated more likely to
        stance, has a confidential entry questionnaire that asks  be conservative or Republican, many with religious
        whether visitors are vaccinated. And, in a COVID-19  reasons for choosing not to get inoculated.
        response form, the Southern District of Florida asks   “Persons who decline a governmental request to
        prospective jurors whether they have been vaccinated.  inject an mRNA or other vaccine into their arms
        The answers are “yes,” “no” and “prefer not to say.”  may have a useful perspective about a governmental
          Chief Judge Freda Wolfson of the District of New  claim that pharmaceutical companies should pay for
        Jersey said that her federal district does not ask pro- harms caused by persons who abused prescription
        spective jurors about their vaccination status. “Thus,  opioids,” they wrote. “Members of the anti-vacci-
        we do require everyone in the courtroom, including  nation community might well have different views
        jurors, to wear masks. We also socially distance our  about prescription-opioid use and abuse when com-
        jurors by seating them in every other seat in the jury  pared with the vaccinated population.”
        box. Not one juror in my 8-day criminal trial voiced   Lawyers may get to find out. In Wednesday’s or-
        any objection to wearing a mask. During individual  der, Polster left open the possibility that they could
        ‘for cause’ questioning of our jurors, a juror would  ask prospective jurors about their vaccine status.
        wear a clear mask which the Court supplied.”          “The court will later discuss with counsel the ex-
          Sabraw, of the San Diego-based federal court, in- tent to which they may inquire about vaccination
        sisted that court officials in his district would not ask  status on the jury questionnaire and at voir dire,”
        jurors about their vaccine status.                 Polster wrote.                                   ■
          “Generally, asking people about vaccination, in my
        view, is not a good way to go,” he said. “We’re finding  Amanda Bronstad is the ALM staff reporter cover-
        that most of our jurors are vaccinated. They’re vol- ing  class  actions  and  mass  torts  nationwide.  She
        unteering that information, but certainly there are  writes the email dispatch Class Actions:
        many who are not. We don’t ask. We don’t bar them  Critical Mass. She is based in Los Angeles.
           Law Tribune
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