Page 79 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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           PRACTICE PROFILE: Jake Gardener                  statewide public defense system; and representing a Tennessee
           is a litigator with a diverse practice,          inmate on death row. He also served for several years as a New
           which includes defending organizations           York City firefighter, assigned to Ladder 43 in East Harlem.
           and individuals in criminal and regula-
           tory enforcement actions, representing           EXPERIENCE: Law clerk, Hon. Dennis Jacobs, U.S. Court of
           corporations in complex commercial               Appeals, Second Circuit, 2016-2017; Law clerk, Hon. Naomi
           disputes, and challenging unlawful gov-          Reice Buchwald, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New
           ernment action. His practice involves            York, 2013-2014; Associate, Davis Polk & Wardwell, 2011-2012,
           briefing and arguing dispositive motions         2014-2016; Postgraduate Fellow/Assistant Corporation Counsel,
           and appeals in criminal and civil matters.       New York City Law Department, Appeals Division, 2012-2013

           LEADERSHIP, PRO BONO AND CIVIC WORK: Jake’s pro bono    EDUCATION: J.D., Yale Law School, 2011; B.A., Stanford Uni-
           practice has included securing safer living conditions for NYC’s   versity, 2003
           public housing tenants; successfully challenging the constitu-
           tionality of a New York statute that would have subjected state
           prosecutors to improper discipline; helping the UN Special Rap-  WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUNG LAWYERS?
           porteur for Extra-Judicial Executions draft a report on the mur-  Seek out mentorship relationships. Find senior lawyers or judges who
           der of journalist Jamal Khashoggi; appealing the conviction of a   are willing to help you identify your professional goals and how best
           Bronx man sentenced to 20-years-to-life for an unarmed robbery   to achieve them. And don’t be afraid to request the help—people
           he participated in when he was 17; preparing a class action law-  are usually flattered to be asked and thrilled to impart their wisdom.
           suit against Louisiana officials for failing to establish an effective


           PRACTICE PROFILE: Chris Gartman                  of the definitive guidebook regarding bankruptcy examiners
           is a partner in Hughes Hubbard’s cor-            published by Thomson Reuters Westlaw. He maintains an active
           porate reorganization group, where he            pro bono practice, most recently representing a non-profit
           focuses on bankruptcy, restructuring             in connection with legal issues impacting low income New
           and commercial litigation. His diverse           Yorkers in the Lower East Side community.
           practice includes the representation
           of financial institutions, debtors and           PRIOR EXPERIENCE: Associate, Luskin, Stern & Eisler, Novem-
           creditors in a wide range of matters,            ber 2007-September 2008
           including asset sales and acquisitions,
           in and out-of-court restructurings, as           EDUCATION: J.D., Brooklyn Law School, 2007 (Joseph J. Ber-
           well as lender liability, breach of contract, tort and avoidance   nstein and Judge Jonas H. Bernstein Memorial Scholarship
           actions.                                         for excellence in the study of Bankruptcy Law); B.S., Cornell
                                                            University, 2004
           active member of the legal community. He regularly volunteers
           by guest lecturing to local law students in New York City, and   WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUNG LAWYERS?
           has participated in panel discussions on bankruptcy matters   Your intelligence may open the first door but it is your hard work,
           for prestigious events such as the ABI’s New York City Bank-  drive and determination that will open the rest and ultimately
           ruptcy Conference, one of the most significant gatherings of   define your success.
           restructuring professionals in the world. Chris has also authored
           numerous featured articles for the ABI, and was a co-author

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