Page 78 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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           PRACTICE PROFILE: Nicole Fanjul                  immigration matters and assisting immigrant victims of domestic
           represents lenders and corporate bor-            violence in obtaining the protections and benefits of the Violence
           rowers in complex financings, with a             Against Women Act. Nicole also spearheaded Latham’s ongoing
           particular focus on syndicated lever-            Anti-Racism and Allyship Discussion Series for all lawyers and
           aged finance and direct lending. She             staff in the firm’s New York office to help foster continued conver-
           has advised on the some of the largest           sation and education around systemic racism and anti-Blackness.
           acquisition financings in recent years.
                                                            PRIOR EXPERIENCE: Partner, Latham & Watkins, January
           LEADERSHIP, PRO BONO AND CIVIC                   2019-present; associate, December 2009-December 2018
           WORK: Nicole serves as co-deputy
           managing partner of Latham’s New York office. She has served as   EDUCATION:
           the Local Leader of the New York office’s Black Lawyers Affinity   J.D., Harvard Law School, 2009
           Group and as a member of the firm’s Women Enriching Busi-  B.A., Duke University, 2006
           ness Committee, Associates Committee, and Training & Career
           Enhancement Committee. Last year, Nicole served on Latham’s
           Recruiting Committee, navigating unique recruiting challenges   WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUNG LAWYERS?
           during the COVID-19 pandemic and driving the firm’s diversity   Even if you have a projected career path in mind, you never know
           recruitment efforts, which resulted in the most diverse summer   how circumstances will evolve. Start building a network of profes-
           associate class in the firm’s history, while doubling the number   sional contacts early and cast a wide net, because it’s impossible to
           of 2L Diversity Scholarships for the 2021 summer program. She   predict who may prove to be meaningful to the growth of your career.
           maintains an active pro bono practice, frequently advising on


           PRACTICE  PROFILE:  Ali Frick’s                  EDUCATION:
           practice focuses on a broad range of             J.D., Yale Law School, 2012
           litigation matters, primarily focused            B.A., magna cum laude, Yale College, 2007
           on civil rights, ranging from housing
           and employment discrimination, to
           police and prison brutality, sexual
           harassment, and abuse of the dis-
           abled, among other areas.

           CIVIC WORK:  Ali is an active member of the Civil Rights
           Committee of the New York City Bar Association and of the
           Civil Rights Committee of the Federal Bar Association.
           Kaufman Lieb Lebowitz & Frick, March 2020-present   WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUNG LAWYERS?
           Emery Celli Brinckerhoff Abady Ward & Maazel, September   Your day-to-day happiness in your job depends almost entirely
           2013-February 2020                                  on whom you surround yourself with. If you find colleagues you
           Hon. Anita B. Brody, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of   like and respect, all the highs of the legal profession are sweeter,
           Pennsylvania, September 2012-August 2013            and all the lows more endurable.
           Nina Totenberg, NPR (Legal Affairs intern), Summer 2012

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