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NEWS                                    JUNE 28, 2021  ■  21

                             COVID-19 vaccination record card. Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM
        it,” wrote the pharmacies in their motion. “In short,   Courts have received some guidance. A May
        requiring vaccinations for all jurors will drastically  4 publication from the National Center for State
        reduce the eligible jury pool, and the remaining  Courts found that, while court officials could ask
        pool of eligible jurors is highly unlikely to reflect the  jurors about their vaccination status, they must con-
        community as a whole.”                              sider impacts on the potential jury pool.
          Polster, who is based in the Northern District of   “Restricting the jury pool to persons who are ful-
        Ohio’s  Cleveland  courthouse,  quickly  changed  his  ly vaccinated may make it more difficult to secure
        mind and, on Wednesday, granted the defendants’  enough prospective jurors to select juries,” the paper
        request.                                            said. “Excluding persons who are not fully vaccinat-
          “Pharmacy defendants make good points,” he  ed may make the jury pool less likely to reflect a fair
        wrote.                                              cross section of the community, which in turn may
          The move comes as judges and court officials are  also increase the risk of jury challenges.”
        returning to the courthouse for jury trials, many of   Many state courts have taken varying approach-
        them in regions of the country where the COVID-19  es. New Jersey’s judiciary clarified this month that
        pandemic  has  subsided  significantly.  But  bringing  it would not ask jurors about their vaccination
        members of the community back together raises the  status, while California’s San Luis Obispo County
        question of whether their vaccine status could deter- Superior Court offers the vaccine to jurors.  As
        mine whether they serve on a jury.                  of June 18, Contra Costa County Superior Court,
          “It’s kind of a hotly debated question, and differ- also in California, has offered vaccinated jurors a
        ent districts will handle it differently,” said Dana  “self-certification” form they can complete in or-
        Sabraw, chief judge of California’s Southern District,  der to serve on a jury without having to wear a
        in a State of the Court address earlier this year to the  mask.
        San Diego County Bar Association. He added that       The federal guidance has been less clear. On May
        courts have statutory and constitutional concerns.  14, the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts advised
        “We don’t get to serve only those we want to serve,  district courts that it “has not endorsed mandating
        so we have to be careful in that area.”                                           ■ Continued on PAGE 22

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