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NEWS                                    JUNE 28, 2021  ■  17
        is not persuaded that it should ac-                                   Schroeder said investigating
        cord the weight and legal force                                     OLC memos for evidence of inap-
        the President ascribes to the DOJ                                   propriate political influence would
        Memos.”                                                             likely not be feasible.
          U.S. District Judge Amy Ber-         Christopher Schroeder,         “It is very difficult to ascertain
        man Jackson of the District of            a Duke University         intent when you’re reviewing a
        Columbia also excoriated the Jus-        law professor, told        formal legal opinion,” he said. “It
        tice  Department  for its  handling     the Senate Judiciary        would  require, it  seems to me, a
        of an OLC memo on the potential       Committee that he would       great deal of forensic inquiry into
        prosecution of Trump after the         provide “impartial and       the circumstances around the cre-
        Mueller investigation, a memo the    independent” legal advice      ation of opinions about which we
        department has fought to keep se-           if confirmed.           don’t keep precise records. We
        cret.                                                               keep  precise records  about  what
          The OLC’s memo that McGahn                                        we write, not about interactions of
        was immune from congressional                                       the kind that might lead to an in-
        testimony also fell apart under ju-                                 terest in exploring the possibility
        dicial scrutiny.                                                    of improper influence.”
          Whitehouse expressed frustration that OLC is-       Schroeder also committed to being as transparent
        sued that opinion even though a similar immunity  as possible in releasing OLC opinions “in a timely
        argument made during the Bush administration was  manner,” but said some requests to the office come
        rejected by the D.C. District Court in 2008. He said  with the condition that the memo will remain con-
        the move suggested that OLC has disregarded court  fidential. A district court judge ruled last year that
        decisions and has fallen from its place as the “high  some OLC memos may be subject to public records
        temple of law at the Department of Justice.”       requests.
          Committee Democrats called on Schroeder to          Testifying alongside Schroeder was Helaine
        review past opinions issued by the Office of Legal  Greenfeld, Biden’s nominee to lead DOJ’s Office of
        Counsel with an eye on political influence. Sen.  Legislative Affairs.
        Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, suggested the      In response to complaints from members of both
        nominee should examine whether past memos vio- parties about the Justice Department stonewalling
        lated the law.                                     congressional requests for  information,  Greenfeld
          Schroeder said he could not come into the posi- repeatedly assured senators that she will respond to
        tion with “an agenda” to reexamine past decisions,  every request from the Hill and offer an explanation
        but said if there are memos issued under prior ad- when information is deemed confidential.         ■
        ministrations that relate to issues under discussion
        in the Biden administration, “we look to them for  Andrew Goudsward is a reporter based in Washing-
        what they have said and if we determine that they  ton covering the Justice Department and regulatory
        are mistaken, we will not hesitate to revise them and  affairs. Contact him at [email protected] and
        revisit them.”                                     follow him on Twitter @agoudsward.

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