Page 20 - CLT062121
P. 20
20 ■ JUNE 21, 2021 NEWS
■ From MEET on PAGE 19
charter schools. What types of advice do you give
them to prevent or deal with legal issues related to
Leander Dolphin: Last March, when the world
shut down as a result of the pandemic, all public
and private schools were forced to pivot and adapt
quickly to continue their educational mission while
also keeping students and staff safe.
As public health conditions evolved, so did laws,
regulations and guidance related to issues as varied
as health and safety protocols, employee leave, re-
mote learning, student and staff privacy concerns,
delivery of special education and related services,
telehealth, finance and lending, quarantine require-
ments, and vaccinations.
This ever-changing legal landscape was occurring
at both the federal and state levels, and more locally
in cities and towns.
Time and again, we advised our clients to stay
abreast of the rapidly changing federal, state, and Shipman & Goodwin co-managing partner Leander
local public health guidance (and shared updated Dolphin. Courtesy photo
guidance through our Coronavirus Guidance Re- message that employers will not tolerate the types
source Center). of behaviors that have resulted in illegal sex-based
We also advised our clients to review and up- discrimination and harassment in the past.
date their policies and procedures in light of swiftly Because of movements like #MeToo, students and
changing rules, to engage in interactive dialogue staff are also engaging in conversations more read-
with employees, to communicate often with parents ily, and confronting issues more directly than ever
and families, and support struggling students. before.
CLT: As the #MeToo Movement has gained steam, With respect to students and sex discrimina-
how have issues of sexual harassment and discrimi- tion, changes to the U.S. Department of Education’s
nation based on gender in schools and universities regulations implementing Title IX of the Education
evolved or changed—if they have—over the last 10 Amendments of 1972 went into effect in August
years? 2020. The regulations significantly changed the
Dolphin: The #MeToo Movement, as well as other manner in which educational institutions investi-
social movements, have inspired individuals all over gate and address claims of sex discrimination and
the country to speak about their lived experiences harassment.
and advocate for change. While schools have worked to implement the new
These movements have also inspired new legis- regulations, we anticipate further changes to the
lation at the federal and state levels. For example, regulations under the current administration.
fairly recent changes in state law now require em- CLT: You have conducted client workshops on
ployers, including schools and universities, to issues such as bullying. Tell us about the role the in-
provide sexual harassment and prevention training ternet plays in bullying today, and what can be done
for all of their employees. about it.
Such training promotes greater awareness and Dolphin: Unfortunately, bullying behav-
understanding of sexual harassment and sends the ior happens in schools everywhere. We take a
Law Tribune