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18  ■  JUNE 21, 2021                           NEWS

        ■ From BIG LAW on PAGE 17
          In an emailed statement,
        Eversheds’ U.S. general coun-
        sel, Nick Christakos, said:
        “We are fully aware of what
        Michael Bahar endured last
        year and that nothing came
        of it.  His integrity has  never
        been  a  question,  which  is
        evident through his superior
        client  service as well  as his
        many years of military and ci-
        vilian government service. We
        are proud to call Michael our
          Investigators did not prove
        Bahar was the source of any
        unauthorized     disclosures,      (l-r) Rod Rosenstein of King & Spalding, Michael Bahar of Eversheds,
        the Times reported, add-                  and Don McGahn of Jones Day. Photos: ALM/Courtesy
        ing the case has been closed and no charges were  nor King & Spalding returned requests for comment
        brought.                                           by press time.
          Among those whose data were the subject of sub-     One of the latest names to emerge related to the
        poenas were Congressional Representatives Adam  subpoena controversy is former White House coun-
        Schiff and Eric Swalwell, Democrats from Califor- sel Don McGahn, now at Jones Day. According to
        nia. Schiff was a fierce detractor                                  a report by the Washington Post
        of Trump and sat on the House                                       and CNN, McGahn was informed
        Permanent Select Committee                                          by Apple that in February 2018
        on Intelligence, where he is now         “We are fully aware        the tech company complied with a
        chairman. Bahar, as the commit-        of what Michael Bahar        subpoena to turn over his account
        tee’s  general  counsel, seems to       endured last year and       information and those of his wife.
        have become embroiled in the in-       that nothing came of it.     According  to the news  reports,
        vestigation because of his position.   His integrity has never      the DOJ had barred Apple from
          According  to  the  Times,  U.S.     been a question,” said       informing McGahn of the subpoe-
        Deputy Attorney General Rod                                         nas until now.
        Rosenstein was  put  in  charge       Eversheds, about Bahar’s        It is unknown why the phone
        of the investigation into the          questioning as part of a     and email records of McGahn—at
        sources  behind  leaks  to media         DOJ investigation.         the time a White House lawyer—
        regarding connections between                                       were of interest to the DOJ.
        Trump associates and Russia after                                     “We have no information be-
        then-attorney general Sessions re-                                  yond what has been reported and
        cused himself.                                     otherwise have no comment,” wrote McGahn’s law-
          Rosenstein joined King & Spalding in January  yer, William Burck, co-managing partner of the
        2020 as a partner focusing on special matters and  Washington office of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart &
        government investigations.  According to  CNN,  Sullivan, in an emailed statement.
        Rosenstein told associates at King & Spalding that he   Democratic leaders in Congress called June 13
        was unaware of the subpoenas. Neither Rosenstein  for former Attorneys General William Barr and

           Law Tribune
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