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24  ■  JUNE 21, 2021

                                                   VERDICTS & SETTLEMENTS

        Robbins Geller Awarded $19.5M in Attorney

                Fees for Settling MetLife Class Action

                                                 By Tom McParland

               Manhattan federal judge
               has awarded Robbins
        A eller Rudman & Dowd
        $19.5 million in attorney fees
        for securing an $84 million set-
        tlement in a long-running class
        action lawsuit that accused
        MetLife Inc. of misleading in-
        vestors by under-reporting its
        life insurance death liabilities.
          The fees award, entered Tues-
        day by U.S. District Judge Lewis
        A. Kaplan of the Southern Dis-
        trict of New York, capped
        nearly nine years of litigation
        in the case, which claimed
        that MetLife had overstated its
        financial health, despite accu-
        sations that it had improperly
        retained money it owed to in-
        surance beneficiaries.
          MetLife and its Debevoise                 MetLife building in New York City. Photo: Shutterstock
        & Plimpton attorneys agreed to settle the case last  significant risk,” Robbins Geller partner Shawn Wil-
        June, though the company admitted to no wrongdo- liams wrote in a Feb. 1 filing.
        ing in the settling documents.                        “The settlement recovers approximately 32% of
          Kaplan granted final approval to the agreement  lead plaintiff’s estimated recoverable damages. It is
        and plan of distribution in April.                 a credit to the lead plaintiff and lead counsel’s vigor-
          Robbins Geller had asked the judge to award  ous, persistent and creative efforts, and the result of
        the firm $21 million, or 20% of the overall settle- arm’s-length settlement negotiations over the course
        ment, plus litigation expenses of more that $1.8  of several years, assisted by one of the country’s pre-
        million.                                           mier mediators,” Williams said.
          “This proposed settlement is the result of over     In a 12-page order Tuesday, Kaplan revised the fee
        eight years of contentious litigation and represents  amount only slightly to exclude the work of 35 non-
        an exceptional recovery achieved in the face of  legal support staff, as well as attorneys not employed

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