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NEWS                                    JUNE 14, 2021  ■  29
        elements clause excludes reckless                                   States, Barrett wrote the major-
        conduct. One Justice thinks, consis-                                ity opinion; in dissent were the
        tent with his previously stated view,                               chief justice, Thomas and Alito.
        that the ‘use’ phrase alone accom-                                  And in  Torres v. Madrid, Rob-
        plishes that result.”                  “The dissent also goes       erts wrote the majority opinion
          It can be a risky proposition for    through a complicated        while Thomas, Gorsuch and
        any observer to try to game out                                     Alito  dissented.  In April,  Gor-
        how or why a particular align-         counting exercise about      such wrote a majority opinion
        ment occurred. Sometimes oral        how different justices have    that was joined by Thomas,
        arguments offer clues, but it can      divided in this and two      Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan and
        be equally risky to predict on the    other cases, apparently to    Barrett.
        basis of those arguments.             show how unfair it is that      Much is often made of
          The senior justice in the ma-       the dissent’s view has not    “switched” votes by justices,
        jority gets to assign a decision,      prevailed here,” Kagan       such as  Roberts’s reported votes
        and in the Borden decision, that        wrote in a footnote in      in the first Affordable Care Act
        justice was Thomas. It might be        response to Kavanaugh.       challenge and the census case
        assumed that Thomas assigned                                        involving a citizenship question.
        the opinion to Kagan. But per-                                      But justices have changed votes
        haps Thomas was in dissent at                                       taken shortly after arguments as
        one  point  and Breyer, senior                                      they read colleagues’ draft opin-
        justice  in  dissent, assigned the                                  ions, and ideology is not always
        dissent to Kagan. If Thomas subsequently con- outcome determinative.
        cluded his position was closer to the dissenters,     The court has 21 cases in which to issue opinions,
        he could have joined them by concurring in the  including a few potentially divisive cases that could
        judgment and Kagan’s dissent became the plural- again produce unusual alignments.                   ■
        ity opinion.
          There have been at least five unusual combi- Marcia Coyle, based in Washington, covers the U.S.
        nations of justices in decisions so far this term.  Supreme Court. Contact her at [email protected].

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