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28  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                           NEWS

         Kagan Tells Kavanaugh: Nothing ‘Unfair’ in

                     Justices’ Lineup in Criminal Case

                                                  By Marcia Coyle

          n a lengthy and dense U.S. Supreme Court deci-
          sion Thursday, Justices Elena Kagan and Brett
       IKavanaugh engaged in a rare wrangle in footnotes
        over how their colleagues aligned in the criminal
          Kagan wrote a plurality opinion that was joined
        by her liberal colleagues Justices Stephen Breyer and
        Sonia Sotomayor and her colleague on the right,
        Justice Neil Gorsuch. Justice Clarence Thomas con-
        curred in the judgment. The final vote: 5-4.
          Legal academics ponder alignments of justices for
        any insight into behind-the-scenes deliberations.
        News reporters often spotlight how the justices
        align. But it’s uncommon to see justices themselves
        referring to the alignments.
          The case, Borden v. United States, asked the jus-
        tices to decide whether a criminal offense can count
        as a “violent felony” if it requires prosecutors to
        show recklessness, a lesser mental state than knowl-  Justice Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Supreme Court. (Photo:
        edge or purpose. The Armed Career Criminal Act                  Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM)
        mandates a 15-year minimum sentence for someone  of physical force’ in a similarly worded statute cov-
        found guilty of illegally possessing a gun who has  ers reckless offenses. And eight Justices today accept
        three or more “violent felony” convictions. Charles  that the phrase “use of physical force” covers reck-
        Borden Jr. claimed one of his three convictions did  less offenses. Moreover, five Justices today agree
        not qualify as a violent felony.                   that ACCA’s text, properly interpreted, would cover
          Kagan ruled that a reckless offense does not  reckless offenses.  And  only  four  Justices  conclude
        qualify as a violent felony. Thomas agreed with the  that the phrase ‘against the person of another’ ad-
        judgment, reaching the same result but on different  dresses mens rea and excludes reckless offenses. Yet
        grounds. He also wrote that the result was consistent  despite all of that, Borden prevails, and reckless of-
        with a prior decision that he believed was erroneous.  fenses are now excluded from ACCA’s scope. That
        Kavanaugh wrote a dissent that was joined by Chief  outcome is anomalous.”
        Justice John Roberts Jr. and Justices Samuel Alito Jr.   Kagan, making her own computations, replied:
        and Amy Coney Barrett.                                “The dissent also goes through a complicated count-
          Kavanaugh singled out what he claimed was the  ing exercise about how different Justices have divided
        “anomalous outcome” in the case because of the jus- in this and two other cases, apparently to show how
        tices’ votes in prior related cases, Voisine v. United  unfair it is that the dissent’s view has not prevailed
        States and johnson v. United States. He wrote:     here. But there is nothing particularly unusual about
          “So we find ourselves in an unusual situation. In  today’s line-up. Four Justices think that the ‘use’
        Voisine, seven Justices agreed that the phrase ‘use  phrase, as modified by the ‘against’ phrase, in ACCA’s

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